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IP属地:上海1楼2013-06-29 13:26回复
    Official Libera上传此视频的时间为2013.3.20
    23 artists and a host of talented, dedicated professionals, all donated their services and their time to bring about the first ever "Classical Band Aid"...for one cause...HAITI.
    The results of their fantastic efforts - Classical Relief for Haiti "The Prayer".




    IP属地:上海5楼2013-07-03 17:56
      现在才发觉我这名字取得不恰当……明明是从博客上看来的资料,而不是粉丝的博文= =0000

      IP属地:上海6楼2013-07-10 14:03
        2010年4月 日本
        Cassius:It's his first time in Japan, and he said, "Quite different but fantastic."
        - It seems he finds Japan different. No worries, Cassius. You still got two more countries to go.
        Ralph:Favorite new song is Time. Comments about the audiences clapping at the right time. And he's very happy to be doing this concert for such nice people
        - Wow, Ralph! You really like your fans, do you?
        Stefan:He's been in the choir for 2 years and he's 12 years old. Favorite song is Sanctus.
        - Smile more next time, okay, Stef? I wonder what Mr Prizeman is doing behind him.
        Henry:He can't think of any words to describe the experience. And he loved every moment of the concert. Favorite hobby is reading.
        - I think you did a great job, Henry.
        Alex:Normally he plays football at school. Favorite music genre is r&b and hip-hop. Favorite Japanese food is sushi and squid(乌贼). favorite sports is basketball.
        - I didn't know Alex could play basketball as well. :D Wow!
        Jonathan:Nickname is JB. He's been in the choir for 5 or 6 years.
        - I like your smile, JB. It's really cute.
        Liam:Favorite hobbies are composing music and playing cello(大提琴) and piano. Favorite music genre is pop or swing(摇摆乐). Favorite artists are Michael Buble and Mika. Favorite Japanese food is omusubi(饭团) and sushi(寿司). Favorite sports is either tennis or table tennis (ping-pong).
        - Sorry I didn't get the second artist he like.
        Sam:Favorite song is Sanctissima. Favorite hobby is playing puzzles. Favorite music genre is classical. Favorite Japanese food is omusubi and sushi. Favorite sport is swimming.
        - Wow! You and Liam have quite a common in Japanese food :) I like playing with puzzles too. I love swimming as well.
        Flynn:He thinks Japan is amazing. Favorite song is Ave Verum, which is his solo for the concert.
        - I like Ave Verum too :D I miss listening to that song.
        Jakob:He's 12 years old and has been in Libera for 4 years. He was nervous at the beginning of the concert, but it got more exciting.
        - Everyone is nervous when they perform on stage for a concert. But it won't be during the middle of the performance. ;)
        Carlos:He said Flynn and Stefan's solos did very well and the crowds and Japan is fantastic.
        - I thought he used to be so shy. Well, I was wrong. He did really well in public speaking^^
        Stefan:Interview #2. He sang pretty nervous during the concert. But in the end he got over his nerves.
        - I'm so glad he began to smile at last. Btw, love your cute pink cheeks.
        Tiarnan:He's been in the choir for 4 1/2 years. He's 13 years old. He enjoys Japan a lot, because everyone were nice to them.
        - OMG! His voice is really deep for a 13 year old boy.

        IP属地:上海本楼含有高级字体7楼2013-07-10 15:52
          Alfie:Favorite song is Exsultate. He was very nervous, but he sang alright. He's a little bit tired.
          - This is the first time I hear Alfie speaking. Love the way he did the "a little bit tired" hand action♥ Exsultate is another one of my favorite song cause it's lively.
          James T:"The fans were wild!"
          - Lol! Must be a great concert there.
          Sammy:He got all his moves and harmony parts right. And his solos did very well.
          - Throughout the whole concert, you did a great job, Sammy. (thumbs up)
          Freddie:He thinks Ben's and Stefan's solos were good. He thought his second speech was better than the first one.
          - I think both your speeches are nice. You did a good job in public speaking as well.
          Luke:He likes Ben's, Stefan's and Ralph's solos. "I hope the audience enjoyed it as much as we did."
          - They did, Luke. The audience love your concert.
          Matthew R-A:Favorite hobbies are cycling and playing the piano. Favorite Japanese food is sushi. Favorite sport is football.
          - Quite a short interview. You can do better in interviews next time, okay?^^
          Josh:Favorite song is Orinoco Flow. Favorite hobbies are composing music and playing on his keyboard. Favorite Japanese food is sushi. Favorite sport is football, and he supports Arsenal(阿森纳).
          - Another of my all-time favorite song. Use to hear it on the radio since I was a kid.
          Mini James:He's been in Libera for 1 1/2 to 2 years. He likes getting to go around the world, meeting nice people.
          - OH! Aren't you the most sweetest kid ever? You can hear his solo Love and Mercy and getting a squeezie face from someone. I wanna squeeze his face too ><
          Ben:Favorite song is Secret. Favorite music genre is a mixture of pop, rock or classical.
          - You can hear him sing his solo. Love the way he said the mixture part in a funny tune and holding that cute Ponyo doll.
          Daniel:He's 14 years old. Favorite song is Stay With Me. Favorite hobby is to go out on the weekends with his friends at the park, cinema and play rugby. Favorite Japanese music is from an anime "Naruto"(火影忍者). Favorite Japanese food is chicken ramen(鸡块拉面). Favorite sports is aikido (martial arts)(合气道武术) or cycling (we see Tiarnan and Alex laughing off to the side).
          - I wonder why so many people like Naruto. Love his quote "can't deny that!" Now I often use those words.
          Kavana:He's 11 years old and has been in Libera for 4 years. Favorite sport is football with his friends at the park and at school. Favorite music genre is hip-hop and r&b. Favorite artist is Black Eyed Peas(黑眼豆豆). He supports Leagues United.
          - Love the way he throw up his arms. Another cute kid.

          IP属地:上海本楼含有高级字体8楼2013-07-10 15:53
            5楼的The Prayer歌词(= =每次有这种遗漏的东西,都有种要拆楼的冲动!!!)
            Natasha Marsh:I pray you'll be our eyes,and watch us where we go.
            Faryl Smith:And help us to be wise, in times when we don't know
            Paul Potts & Elysium:Let this be our prayer, as we go our way
            Only Men Aloud, Paul & Bond:Lead us to the place
            OMA, Faryl, Paul & Bond:Guide us with your grace,to a place where we'll be safe.
            Dairus:La luce che tu dai
            Operababes:I pray we'll find your light
            Dairus:nel cuore restera
            Operababes:and hold it in our hearts
            Dairus & Rhydian:a ricordarci che
            All Angels & Libera:When stars go out each night,
            Dairus & Rhydian:I'eterna stella sei
            All Angels & Libera:You are eternal light
            Ollie Baines (Blake):Nella mia preghiera
            Natasha Marsh:Let this be our prayer
            Ollie Baines (Blake):quanta fede c'e
            Natasha Marsh:when shadows fill our day
            Blake:Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace
            Ensemble, Blake, Natasha, Libera & OMA:Give us faith so we'll be safe
            Gardar Cortes:Sognamo un mondo senza piu violenza
            Gardar & Rhydian:un mondo di giustizia e di speranza
            Gardar, Wynne Evans & Natasha:Ognuno dia la mano al suo vicino, Simbolo di pace, di fraternita
            Wynne Evans:La forza che ci dai
            OMA & The Priests:We ask that life be kind
            Wynne Evans:e’ il desiderio che
            OMA & The Priests:and watch us from above
            Wynne Evans:ognuno trovi amor
            OMA & The Priests:We hope each soul will find
            Wynne Evans: intorno e dentro a’ se
            Camilla Kerslake:another soul to love
            Aled Jones & Sara Kempe:Let this be our prayer
            Libera & Camilla:Let this be our prayer
            Aled & Libera:just like every child
            Camilla, Libera & Sara:just like every child
            Faryl & Julian Lloyd-Webber:Need to find a place,
            Camilla & Julian:guide us with your grace
            Aled, Faryl & Camilla:Give us faith so we'll be safe
            Entire Ensemble:e la fede che, hai acceso in noi,sento che ci salvera

            IP属地:上海本楼含有高级字体9楼2013-07-10 17:09

              The interviewer asks how South Korea has changed since Libera's last visit.
              Cassius: I think it's changed a lot, because the last time I came...
              Kavana: You were only a little boy.
              Cassius: I was only small.
              Kavana: Little Cassius.
              Cassius: And so I've changed as well as (Korea).
              Kavana: It's good to come back to a country that we've been to cause we get to enjoy it more and there's always new things to see and new places to go to. So it's really exciting to come back here again.
              About their first church concert in Asia.
              Jude: There's bound to be because if you perform in church, obviously you've got less seats, and it won't be designed for a wide stage, but there's a movement.
              Kavana: But we have to adapt to the different things in the church and maybe move a bit or do something different.
              Cassius: Acoustics could be different.
              Kavana: Which is how it sounds. So sometimes it's nice singing in a cathedral because it's more resonant and it sort of bounces off. And when we hear our echoes, it's really nice.
              All: Hi! We're Libera.
              Kavana: And we'd like to thank all the fans in South Korea for your support.
              Cassius: Thank you.
              Jude: Good bye.

              IP属地:上海本楼含有高级字体10楼2013-07-23 19:45