2010年4月 日本
Cassius:It's his first time in Japan, and he said, "Quite different but fantastic."
- It seems he finds Japan different. No worries, Cassius. You still got two more countries to go.
Ralph:Favorite new song is
Time. Comments about the audiences clapping at the right time. And he's very happy to be doing this concert for such nice people
- Wow, Ralph! You really like your fans, do you?
Stefan:He's been in the choir for 2 years and he's 12 years old. Favorite song is
- Smile more next time, okay, Stef? I wonder what Mr Prizeman is doing behind him.
Henry:He can't think of any words to describe the experience. And he loved every moment of the concert. Favorite hobby is reading.
- I think you did a great job, Henry.
Alex:Normally he plays football at school. Favorite music genre is r&b and hip-hop. Favorite Japanese food is sushi and squid(乌贼). favorite sports is basketball.
- I didn't know Alex could play basketball as well. :D Wow!
Jonathan:Nickname is JB. He's been in the choir for 5 or 6 years.
- I like your smile, JB. It's really cute.
Liam:Favorite hobbies are composing music and playing cello(大提琴) and piano. Favorite music genre is pop or swing(摇摆乐). Favorite artists are Michael Buble and Mika. Favorite Japanese food is omusubi(饭团) and sushi(寿司). Favorite sports is either tennis or table tennis (ping-pong).
- Sorry I didn't get the second artist he like.
Sam:Favorite song is
Sanctissima. Favorite hobby is playing puzzles. Favorite music genre is classical. Favorite Japanese food is omusubi and sushi. Favorite sport is swimming.
- Wow! You and Liam have quite a common in Japanese food :) I like playing with puzzles too. I love swimming as well.
Flynn:He thinks Japan is amazing. Favorite song is
Ave Verum, which is his solo for the concert.
- I like Ave Verum too :D I miss listening to that song.
Jakob:He's 12 years old and has been in Libera for 4 years. He was nervous at the beginning of the concert, but it got more exciting.
- Everyone is nervous when they perform on stage for a concert. But it won't be during the middle of the performance. ;)
Carlos:He said Flynn and Stefan's solos did very well and the crowds and Japan is fantastic.
- I thought he used to be so shy. Well, I was wrong. He did really well in public speaking^^
Stefan:Interview #2. He sang pretty nervous during the concert. But in the end he got over his nerves.
- I'm so glad he began to smile at last. Btw, love your cute pink cheeks.
Tiarnan:He's been in the choir for 4 1/2 years. He's 13 years old. He enjoys Japan a lot, because everyone were nice to them.
- OMG! His voice is really deep for a 13 year old boy.