At the opening of the work, Beethoven included a written direction that the sustain pedal should be depressed for the entire duration of the first movement. The Italian reads: "Si deve suonare tutto questo pezzo delicatissimamente e senza sordino" ("One must play this whole piece [meaning "movement"] very delicately and without dampers."). The modern piano has a much longer sustain time than the instruments of Beethoven's day. Therefore, his instruction cannot be followed by pianists playing modern instruments without creating an unpleasantly dissonant sound.
我的疑问是,第一,sustain time是指什么呢,所谓现代钢琴的“sustain time”比贝多芬时期的乐器要长是什么意思。第二,为什么按照原乐谱的要求全程踩踏板会造成不好听的不和谐音。