4这公司怎么样 推荐去吗 求大佬指点
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0经核实吧主芐ggcx66 未通过普通吧主考核。违反《百度贴吧吧主制度》第八章规定http://tieba.baidu.com/tb/system.html#cnt08 ,无法在建设 河钢吧 内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用。故撤销其吧主管理权限。百度贴吧管理组
0亲爱的河钢吧的吧友们:大家好! @芐ggcx66 为本吧吧主候选人得票最多者,共计0张真实票数,根据竞选规则,官方最终批准其成为本吧正式吧主。公示期三天。 吧主上任后,请严格遵守吧主协议 https://tieba.baidu.com/mo/q/newapply/rule?from=task,履行吧主义务,积极投身本吧的发展建设,也请广大吧友进行监督。如出现违规问题,请至贴吧反馈中心进行反馈或者投诉http://tieba.baidu.com/pmc/reportBazhu
1今年37岁的唐笑宇,2008年从北京科技大学冶金工程专业毕业后,一直扎根生产一线,推进科技创新。每天和工友们一起在炉台上摸爬滚打,见缝插针向老师傅们虚心求教,下班后用心总结经验……凭着爱学习、肯钻研的劲头,唐笑宇仅用2年时间就从一名上料工成长为全厂最年轻的炼钢工和转炉炉长。 围绕品种结构、操作工艺和产品质量等方面全力攻坚,他带领班组开展提质增效攻坚行动,并创下连续10个月未出现一炉钢水成分超内控的纪录,至今全
1I know iron ore is the most important raw material for ironmaking, but I don't think it is the only raw material. 我知道铁矿石是炼铁的最重要的原料,但我想它不是唯一的原料。 iron ore 铁矿 raw material 原材料 ; 原料 ironmaking 炼铁 material 布料 ; 材料 ; 原料
1Third, the price of steel production,including energy, labour and environmental costs, is rather high here in theUK. Inface of fierce global competition, British companies in general are lesscompetitive and less profitable in the field of ordinary and low-end steelproduction. 从英国自身看,钢铁业能源、环境、劳工等方面成本居高不下,在全球钢铁业激烈竞争的背景下,英国钢铁企业在普通或低端钢材生产上总体缺乏竞争力,盈利空间狭小。 注释: labour 劳动 ; 体力劳动 ; 任务 ; 工作 ; 劳工,工人 ; 劳动力 fierce 激
1Colour stability ofcoker gas oil has been improved by DMF extraction. 以二甲基亚砜为萃取溶剂,用溶剂萃取的方法提高焦化柴油的颜色安定性. coker gas oil 从焦炉煤气中提取的汽油 ; 缩写词为CGO improved 改进 ; 改善 extraction 提取 ; 提炼 ;
1"It began about the middle of the 19th century, when the blast furnace came into use. " 第三时期开始于19世纪中叶左右,那时开始采用高炉炼铁 began 开始 ; 启动 ; 起始 blast furnace 高炉,鼓风炉 into 到…里面 ; 进入 use 使用 ; 利用 ; 运用
11唐钢留守职工,工资900-1000 饭补440 奖金600!实际一个月到手2000左右还要养孩子!还有比我低的吗?最可气的是奖金表都看不到,工资条也没有!
1Health protection zone standard for ironmaking plants 炼铁厂卫生防护距离标准 Health protection 卫生事业 zone 区 ; 地区 ; 区域
1Could ironworker controlthe quality of the iron they made then ? 那时炼铁工人能够控制他们所炼的铁的质量吗? Could 能够 ironworker 钢铁工人 quality 质量 ; 品质
0The way of making iron in ancient times is very crude. 古代炼铁的方法相当原始 crude 原油 ; 石油 ; 粗糙的 ; 粗略的
0Coking in the fumace tubes of delayedcoker is an important factor affecting unitoperahon cycle. 延迟焦化装置加热炉管的结焦是影响装置开工周期的重要原因 tubes 管,管子 ; 管状物 ; 软管 important factor 重要因素 affecting 深深打动人的 ; 感动人的 cycle 周期 ; 循环 ; 自行车
01. New development of blast furnace iron making technologies 高炉炼铁技术的最新进展 blast furnace 高炉,鼓风炉 technology 技术 ; 科技 ; 工艺
0The water can resist thecoking. 1. 水可以阻止焦化。
0The Chinese andUKgovernments have maintainedclose contact on the steel issue. In late February, the China-UK Joint Economicand Trade Commission had a special discussion on this matter. Over theweekend, during Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond’s visit toChina, the twogovernments had an in-depth exchange of views over the steel issue. Herein theUK, I have spoken onmany occasions and sharedChina’sposition with British people from different sectors of industry. I ampleased thatChinaand theUKshare theconsensus that protectionism is not the solution, as it is retrogressive, goesagainst market rul
0Steel imported fromChina,amounts of which are very limited, has little to do with the predicament of theUK’ssteel industry. In both volume and value, steel fromChinamakes up only a fraction of theUK’stotal steel imports. In 2015, for example, of theUK’s 6.66m tons of imports, only 11pc, or760,000 tons, were fromChina.If put in value, that was $457m, only 7.6pc of the $5.98bntotal. Moreover, steel products from China are mostly low value-added,such as ordinary steel rods and plates, which Britain no longer makes and wouldhave to import from other countries anyway. Therefore, imports fromC
0Steel imported fromChina,amounts of which are very limited, has little to do with the predicament of theUK’ssteel industry. In both volume and value, steel fromChinamakes up only a fraction of theUK’stotal steel imports. In 2015, for example, of theUK’s 6.66m tons of imports, only 11pc, or760,000 tons, were fromChina.If put in value, that was $457m, only 7.6pc of the $5.98bntotal. Moreover, steel products from China are mostly low value-added,such as ordinary steel rods and plates, which Britain no longer makes and wouldhave to import from other countries anyway. Therefore, imports fromC