河钢吧 关注:606贴子:1,040
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Steel imported fromChina,amounts of which are very limited, has little to do with the predicament of theUK’ssteel industry. In both volume and value, steel fromChinamakes up only a fraction of theUK’stotal steel imports. In 2015, for example, of theUK’s 6.66m tons of imports, only 11pc, or760,000 tons, were fromChina.If put in value, that was $457m, only 7.6pc of the $5.98bntotal. Moreover, steel products from China are mostly low value-added,such as ordinary steel rods and plates, which Britain no longer makes and wouldhave to import from other countries anyway. Therefore, imports fromChinahave noimpact upon the British steel market. On the contrary, by importing steels fromChina,the auto, machinery, construction and other British industries have effectivelylowered their costs and increased their profit margin. And imports fromChinaare not“dumping”, as some claim. The Chinese steel manufacturers have followed marketrules strictly when exporting toBritain.
do with 忍受,满足于 ;
for example 例如 ; 比如
tons of 大量 ; 一大堆 ; 许多,无数的
such as 例如 ; 像 ; 象…这样 ; 诸如…之类
no longer 不再
import from 从…进口
On the contrary 相反地 ; 恰恰相反;正相反

1楼2022-04-15 09:25回复