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IP属地:上海1楼2020-05-14 23:48回复
    ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Congratulations, Tony on an epicouting.
    TONY VLACHOS: Oh my God. Thank you so much, Dalton. Oh my God. I justfinished watching the show. It is so epic.
    Were you feeling pretty confident when you walked offthat Tribal Council set 10 months ago that you had won?
    You know how I am. I'm never confident until I see the final result. I'malways, always thinking. My wheels are always spinning. I'm always keepingmyself on my toes. So, I'd never just let my cards down. So I can never say I'mconfident. I'm always giving some kind of doubt in my head. So I just don'tslip on anybody and get caught off guard.

    IP属地:上海2楼2020-05-14 23:49
      Well, I'm sure you're doing the jury math in your head,and then they showed the votes on the episode, and we see that Tyson, Jeremy,Ethan, and Parvati all voted for Natalie instead of you. Any votes that youwere surprised you either got or did not get?
      I'm disappointed. I'm disappointed in Parvati actually because I knowParvati respects the game, and I'm not knocking Natalie whatsoever. She didamazing. I watched it on the TV, but just because she did great in the game forthe last five days, I did great for 39 days. So I was kind of upset. If thevotes weren't going to come to me, I think Michele deserves to get the votes,because she played 39 days in the game, dodging bullets. It's a war, and shehad to be there dodging landmines, and the game is part of a strategy,influence, and goals. It's a lot to do with that.
      Natalie did crush it on the Edge, and that's a whole totally differentgame as far as I'm concerned, but I was shocked that Pavarti did that. Ethanagain, for no fault of my own, I never got to meet him. So he, like, how's hegoing to vote for me? He never even got to talk to me or say hello to me. But Iwasn't surprised that Jeremy, I know why he voted for Natalie. I definitelyunderstand that. Natalie's like family to him. So, family comes first.

      IP属地:上海4楼2020-05-14 23:50
        He told me before thegame that winners shouldn't vote for someone from the Edge.
        Yeah, but I forgive him because I put myself in his shoes and I'm saying,“What if Sarah had made it to the end?” I don't care if she was a goat. I don'tcare if she was dragged in. I don't care if she did nothing to get there. Iwould have still given Sarah my vote just for loyalty. And that's how it is.You got to understand that. You got to respect that, I guess, right?

        IP属地:上海5楼2020-05-14 23:51
          Having watched you for three seasons, I know you'realways up to something, but when you have 20 winners out there and the Edge ofExtinction and all this stuff, there's only so much they can show on TV. So hitme up with some things that happened out there that you wish had made it toair?
          Oh, man, where do I begin, man? There's so many. Even from day one.Sandra, as a matter of fact, she stole my Spy Bunker! I was building it withher because I trusted her. And then I wind up finding out she was ratting meout to Kim that I was spying by the well. It was just so many things.
          Me and Nick and Wendell and Sandra formed an alliance and we calledourselves the Justice System. And then when Sandra tried to blindside me, wesaid, "Uh-oh, the system is corrupt! We have to find another way ofgetting by the game." I was out every single night, every single night, Iwas out making fires, looking for idols, searching the jungle, making fake idols.I was doing it all, Dalton. I did not sleep.

          IP属地:上海7楼2020-05-14 23:53
            You made a fake idol? What's the deal with the fake idol?
            All right, so I made a fake idol and I showed it to Nick, and that'sanother reason why a lot of people watch it and they comment on Twitter. I've seenit. "Oh, Nick is dumb. He helped people." No, Nick wasn't dumb. Nickwas playing it safe. He was a little bit afraid. Because I told them I had twoidols. I showed him two idols! I woke him up in the middle of the night when hewas a bit disoriented. And I said, "Come with me." And I showed himthe fake idol. And he thought it was real because it was late at night. He wasin the middle of his sleep. And I said, "I got you. I got your back, Nick.I got your back. Anybody tries anything, I got your back. And if they tryanything on me, I'm going to use my idols." So there were a lot of thingsthat people were confused about because they didn't show it. But there's a lotof things that went on.

            IP属地:上海8楼2020-05-14 23:53
              The most impactful moment of the entire finale was youand Sarah after battling at fire. Have you ever felt lower in this game thanafter securing your place in the final three, which should be your happiestmoment, but at the expense of your partner in Sarah?
              Watching that back right now, I was in full tears, man. I usually try toact tough in front of my kids and my wife. I tried to hold back tears, eventhough they want to come out. But, this time, I couldn't even hold it. Icouldn't hold back. Man, I was balling like a baby, man. That was so impactful.I can't believe that. That hurt me so bad. I mean, it needed to be done inorder for me to win, I guess, so I'm happy with that, of course. But that hurtsso bad, man.
              Our dream — Sarah and I, we would always say, "Imagine Cops ‘R’ Us atthe end." But now thinking about it, Sarah would have kicked my ass at thefinal Tribal. So, I guess it worked out perfectly for me, but it was sohurtful, man. That was the worst, that was the worst feeling in the world.

              IP属地:上海9楼2020-05-14 23:54
                If Sarah beats you at fire, how do you think she doesagainst Natalie and Michele?
                I would hope Sarah wins. She 100%gets my vote. I don't know for sure, but I truly believe Sarah would win. Imean, you've seen, there was plenty of opportunities to try to break up me andSarah, and Sarah was vulnerable while I was protected and nobody even wanted toget her out. That was her social game. I seen it with Kim. I seen it withSophie. I seen it with Ben. I seen it with Denise. I seen it with everybody. Soshe's great at what she does. I mean, she's a great Survivor player. AndI think she learned from the best! I think she gave me credit for my Cagayan game.

                IP属地:上海10楼2020-05-14 23:55
                  At any point, over 39 days, did you ever feel like youwere in serious danger in this game? We never saw your name written down once.I'm sure you got nervous and you were worried as anyone would be out there, butdid you ever feel like you were in serious doo-doo at any point in this game?
                  Honestly, I don't think there was a point where I really thought that Iwas endangered like that. I don't remember being in like panic mode, like,"Oh my God, this is my night. I'm going home tonight." I never feltlike that. And that's mind-boggling to me how that happened in the game. But Iguess it all just goes down with me being goofy. Me just making everybodylaugh. Me keeping my shoulders shrugged down. Me hunching my back over, keepingmy arms down, never crossing them, talking to people from a lower ground, sothey could look down at me when they talked to me, instead of me looking downat them.
                  It was just all those little things that make it count where it makes youlook like, I just own people that way. They're like, "Okay, okay. He's notthat threatening." I was never in their face. I was like, "What doyou think? Okay. Okay. This is what I think. Okay. That's whatyou think? I'm with you, whatever you want." You know like, it was justcrazy. The little things that counted, that meant so much in the end.

                  IP属地:上海11楼2020-05-14 23:55
                    You just literally minutes ago won the $2 million. Howweird was it to have Jeff Probst give you those $2 million over a webcam?
                    Oh, man, I don't care how he gives it to me, as long as I get it! $2million, that is huge, man! Oh my God.

                    IP属地:上海13楼2020-05-14 23:57

                      IP属地:上海14楼2020-05-14 23:57

                        IP属地:上海17楼2020-05-15 00:38