The downlod only includes the glass parts.They are draggable like my ivy,so you can place any fence you
want underneath them and drag the glass to the right height.:p
下载只包括玻璃部分。它们像我的常春藤一样可以拖走,所以你可以在它们下面放置任何你想要的栅栏,然后把玻璃拖到合适的高度即可~~~ :p

The downlod only includes the glass parts.They are draggable like my ivy,so you can place any fence you
want underneath them and drag the glass to the right height.:p
下载只包括玻璃部分。它们像我的常春藤一样可以拖走,所以你可以在它们下面放置任何你想要的栅栏,然后把玻璃拖到合适的高度即可~~~ :p