Kurt was aware of Adam's evasiveness when he asked him whose phone-call he hung up on while they were driving home from the farmhouse. The vague voice he overheard from Adam's cell-phone sounded like a woman's.
" i just don't understand. Why did this have to happen to us? " Kurt had to restrain himself in order not to throw a tantrum. He also needed to say something to avert his suspicion about the voice from the phone.
"Maybe God knows it is not yet time for this to happen." Adam said, after a moment of silence.
"Sure, He knows best." Kurt said sarcarstically.
Looking at the rear-view mirror, Kurt saw the place that was supposed to beome a mile-stone of their love life was fading fast out of his sight.
He felt sad and lost. He had wanted a marriage. A home for real. And possibly some kids in the future. But here they are, still just boyfriends.
If he looked deep into the reasons why they stuck together for all these years, he would be saddened even more because it seemed that they stayed together simply because they happened to serve each other's purposes . It was a win-win in commercial terms.
It was said that older people would be less capable of emotions. Was he that old already? Kurt thought to himself.
But deep down he knew that his passions were not dead; they were just buried deep beneath the surface, smouldering, biding their time. Except that there did not seem to be that much time left for him. A decision had to be made. ASAP.
" i just don't understand. Why did this have to happen to us? " Kurt had to restrain himself in order not to throw a tantrum. He also needed to say something to avert his suspicion about the voice from the phone.
"Maybe God knows it is not yet time for this to happen." Adam said, after a moment of silence.
"Sure, He knows best." Kurt said sarcarstically.
Looking at the rear-view mirror, Kurt saw the place that was supposed to beome a mile-stone of their love life was fading fast out of his sight.
He felt sad and lost. He had wanted a marriage. A home for real. And possibly some kids in the future. But here they are, still just boyfriends.
If he looked deep into the reasons why they stuck together for all these years, he would be saddened even more because it seemed that they stayed together simply because they happened to serve each other's purposes . It was a win-win in commercial terms.
It was said that older people would be less capable of emotions. Was he that old already? Kurt thought to himself.
But deep down he knew that his passions were not dead; they were just buried deep beneath the surface, smouldering, biding their time. Except that there did not seem to be that much time left for him. A decision had to be made. ASAP.