塞桑食布丁吧 关注:7贴子:407



So now what? You hate me so much that you don't even want to talk to me, not even after I apologize for doing nothing. I can't say I don't give a shit. How am I supposed to get though this?

来自iPhone客户端18楼2015-11-25 18:50
    I'm so sick of guessing. Maybe it's time to leave.

    来自iPhone客户端19楼2015-11-25 22:29
      When there's nothing but pain in between, when awkwardness is the only thing that you can see, when truth is the last thing that he ever speaks, you should move on and let go, because you know it's time to leave.

      来自iPhone客户端21楼2015-11-25 22:32
        I had a thousand dreams about you, about us still being together.

        来自iPhone客户端22楼2015-11-26 17:51
          I'm so scared of losing you.

          来自iPhone客户端23楼2015-11-26 17:51
            You can only be mine.

            来自iPhone客户端24楼2015-11-26 17:52
              Now that you're gone, along with half of me. All that's left is a cover, smashed and empty. I feel hurt. I am. I want to shed a tear. But I'm too exhausted to cry. I want to find you. But I'm too scared to see you one more time. Just a glance, a glimpse, would remind me of the truth that you're not mine, and how much I need you in my life.

              来自iPhone客户端25楼2015-11-26 18:03
                My heart must have hooks that bind you so tightly to me.

                来自iPhone客户端26楼2015-11-26 18:07
                  "Les jours s'en vont, je demeure."

                  来自iPhone客户端27楼2015-11-26 18:08

                    来自iPhone客户端28楼2015-11-26 18:09
                      Get the fuck out of my life. You're dead af to me.

                      来自iPhone客户端29楼2015-11-28 21:15
                        I don't give a fuck? Stop kidding.

                        来自iPhone客户端30楼2015-12-30 15:41
                          The tears had not yet blurred my weary sight.
                          The day and night still kept their black and white.
                          The joyful scent of that perfume you wear,
                          No more remains the joy that once was mine.
                          I ask myself who stole my sweet delight,
                          The fleeting spring or thy swift-changing mind?
                          I rub my eyes and try to find your trace.
                          The tears at last have blurred my weary sight.

                          来自iPhone客户端31楼2016-03-03 07:10
                            I miss you already.
                            Your room, my stomach, both empty.
                            I sent you a chat and waited
                            For you to open it and remember me,
                            Hoping you're missing me too,
                            Hoping you're worried,
                            Hoping you will hop into a taxi,
                            Just to come back and check on me
                            And when you see me
                            Sitting on the porch alone, crying,
                            You will come around and say
                            "I miss you so much that
                            I will never ever leave."

                            来自iPhone客户端32楼2016-06-04 07:10