joshua-madine吧 关注:129贴子:2,953




IP属地:四川1楼2014-08-15 12:05回复

    IP属地:四川2楼2014-08-15 12:10
      此次合唱团进行DVD录制所在教堂的名字极长,全名为Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception。是个罗马天主教堂,而且是美国最大的罗马天主教堂,在全球宗教建筑的排名位列第八,这间教堂也就华盛顿最高的建筑。整个教堂风格为拜占庭风格,从1920年开始建造,到1959年才对外开放,但是整体工程并未完工,就是现在,还有一些部分还在建设中。这所教堂也是教皇访美必到之处。


      IP属地:四川3楼2014-08-15 12:37
        先贴上美国粉丝Mini Angel的博客:

        IP属地:四川4楼2014-08-15 12:47
          The filming was an interesting process. The flow is very different from your normal concert. Libera would perform a song, we would clap, and then we*d all sit quietly (while the boys stood patiently) and wait to make sure the director was happy. Sometimes he asked for all or a part of a song to be shot again, and different camera angles were used. We could hear the production team talking to each other through their microphones. Our assistant director, Andre Teelen, was from Holland, and he didn*t really prompt us to clap longer as in Armagh, but he did explain if we had to wait awhile. Once the director said everything was good, Robert Prizeman would wave to the boys, and they would take their positions for the next song. There wasn*t as much fussing with hair and makeup as in Armagh (that seemed to be after every song), but sometimes Steven would come out to reposition a boy or fix a microphone.
          There were ten cameras in the Basilica, including the tall jibby-jib, cameras on the floor and front pew, cameras in the balconies, a handheld camera, and a steadicam! That was fun to watch! I can*t imagine lugging that heavy thing around for all that time! The steadicam guy ran across the stage or down the aisles while another guy squatted down and followed him around holding a black box. He was electronically adjusting the focus so the first guy didn*t have to let go of the camera. It was fun to talk to them about how all of the equipment works!
          There were 30 boys listed in the program as choristers. As in the last DVD filming, we had a lot of our big boys back up on stage! Tiarnan, Daniel, Sammy, and Sam were all there, and now Sam has beaten his own high score for being the oldest boy to sing in Libera! He*s now 19 years and 10 months! We got another nice surprise when Josh came off the piano to don the white robe and sing in two of the songs! We had some who are not newbies to the stage, but this was the first big tour for them - Shay Balsekar, Timothy Lee, Rocco Tesei, and Camden Stewart! They did so well! Camden*s dad was even able to come see him perform! I got to sit next to him during the concert! :)
          Here is the chorister list. I added Josh. :)
          1. Marc Alvares
          2. Shay Balsekar
          3. Henry Barrington
          4. Anthony Blake
          5. Ciaran Bradbury-Hickey
          6. Tiarnan Branson
          7. Gabriel Collins
          8. Kavana Crossley
          9. Thomas Delgado-Little
          10. Ben Fairman
          11. Daniel Fontannaz
          12. Alex Gula
          13. Matthew Jansen
          14. Timothy Lee
          15. Sam Leggett
          16. Isaac London
          17. Joshua Madine
          18. Matthew Madine
          19. Eoghan McCarthy
          20. Alessandro MacKinnon-Botti
          21. Michael Menezes
          22. Alex Montoro
          23. Sam Moriarty
          24. Jakub Niedermaier-Reed
          25. Rocco Tesei
          26. Cassius O*Connell-White
          27. Matthew Rangel-Alvares
          28. Bertramo Smart
          29. Camden Stewart
          30. Sam Wiggin
          31. Lucas Wood

          IP属地:四川5楼2014-08-15 12:53
            Musical Director - Robert Prizeman
            Assistant Musical Directors - Sam Coates, Steven Geraghty
            Violin - Christina Wensel, Regino Madrid, Mari Uehara Washington, Luke Wedge, Armine Graham
            Viola - Robin Massie-Pighee, Nick Hodges
            Cello - Ben Wensel, Jessica Nilles
            Double Bass - Regan Brough
            Flute/Whistle - Laura Byrne
            Clarinet - Adrienne Hodges
            Oboe - Alison Lowell
            Horn - Aaron Cockson
            Percussion - Mathias Kunzli, Sidonie Wade
            Keyboard - Joshua Madine, Steven Geraghty
            Sound mixing & production - Sam Coates
            Stage management - Jonathan Barrington, Luke Avery, Simon Lewis
            Lighting Director - Jeroen Jans
            Tour co-ordination & chaperone - Barbara Geraghty, Eleanor Lewis
            Concert management - John Rexroad, Steven Philipp
            Production co-ordination - Andrew Winter

            IP属地:四川6楼2014-08-15 12:55
              Libera performed 17 songs. The assistant director told us they would not necessarily be in this order on the DVD. There was no encore, but we did get 2 new songs!
              1. Joyful Joyful
              Robert Prizeman wrote a new arrangement of this hymn and introduced it for the first time in April in New York City. It was a really happy and invigorating opening to the concert. The beginning of the song was all new with a nice flute part.
              2. How Can I Keep From Singing
              Tom sang the high notes.
              3. Be Still My Soul
              Josh put on a white robe and sang for this song. On the second verse, everyone sang quite low, even the treble boys. Tom sang a new, beautiful high part. Really lovely.
              4. Morning Has Broken
              Here*s where the lighting started to get really amazing. On this song it looked like sun rays were coming out! Wait til you see it! Alessandro, Ciaran, Sam, and Isaac sang by themselves at first.
              Speech - Ciaran and Ben explaining that this is Libera*s third PBS concert, but it*s the first one they*ve ever made in the USA. :)
              5. America the Beautiful - NEW SONG
              This is a very patriotic song in America, and Libera just made it spectacular! Isaac sang by himself at first then with Alessandro and Sam. Tom and Lucas sang the high part. There were red lights shooting out from the altar with a stripe of white light coming out of the center. As the song went along it got more and more powerful until it swelled on the last verse. For the last verse, all the boys moved to the center of the stage, but Gabe was so into the song that he didn*t realize everyone had moved and just continued to sing from his spot on the left side. At the end of the song, everyone clapped then Steven came out and put him back in position. It was so adorable that everyone clapped and cheered again. I*m really glad that Libera did this song because my great-uncle and great-aunt came and his is a retired US Navy commander. They came to the concert with a large group of their friends who are also retired US military officers. One was a 3-star general! He told us he loved the concert! :)
              6. Wayfaring Stranger
              This song is stunning! Sam W soloed the first verse from the back of the stage then the full choir sang the chorus. Sam then slowly walked forward while singing the second verse, and the choir formed a "V" with Sam front and center. This song has such amazing harmonies. It*s just gorgeous. You*re going to love this one when you see and hear it!
              Speech - Cassius and Ben told us that Rocco is the youngest on stage at age 9. Cassius is "old" at age 12, and he*s been in the choir for 5 years. Then 6 boys spoke in the language of where their family is from - Alex G - Polish, Lucas - Spanish (Mexico), Tom - Spanish (Spain), Sam W - French, Isaac - Gaelic (Ireland), Alex M - Italian. They said their names and what parent had heritage from another country. They each finished with the line "It*s a wonderful world" in their language.
              7. Wonderful World
              The solo by Isaac was fabulous! This was a new song in April. I*m so happy that I got to hear it, and you will be, too! :D
              8. Amazing Grace
              This is another song that was new in April, and it may make you cry. They filmed a close-up of Josh playing the piano at the beginning. There were red lights shining up the pillars of the altar. Ciaran has a beautiful solo on the next to last verse.
              9. The Prayer - NEW SONG
              You may know this song because it*s been sung by Andrea Bocelli, Celine Dion, and Josh Groban. Now it*s Libera*s turn. The boys started out kneeling. Isaac sang the solo then beautiful harmonies joined in. This one is stunning and made many people cry.
              10. I Vow To Thee My Country
              The first verse was sung by Tom, Alessandro, Alex M, Lucas, Sam W, and Isaac. Ciaran and Matthew J sang the "ooh*s." Tom sang the last "And all her paths are peace" with Ciaran harmonizing with him.
              11. Ave Maria
              Tom was in the center with 11 boys kneeling behind him. Tom*s solo was so pure that it was like a crystal bell. Just amazing!
              12. How Great Thou Art
              Aaah! This is my favorite hymn! Sam W sang the solo on the first verse. His voice reminds me a little bit of Josh*s voice. It*s very smooth. The song builds in volume and intensity. It*s very moving.
              Speech - Ciaran and Alessandro introduced the next 2 songs.
              13. Rest In Peace
              This song was written after 9/11. Tom sang the solo. Sam W sang the ah*s.
              14. Sanctus
              Bertie sang the middle "ah*s" and the last "Sanctus, sanctus." Lucas sang the high part. There was a beautiful green light effect.
              15. Song of Life
              Really great solo by Isaac with the rest joining in on the chorus.
              16. How Shall I Sing That Majesty
              This song was stunning! Lucas and Alessandro sang the solos with Tom on the high part.
              17. Voca Me
              My favorite of the concert!! Josh was back singing for this song. There was a moving white light shining out from the altar. Tom was in the back by the altar to sing the high notes. Matthew J sang the "Lacrymosa" solo. He has always had a great voice. It*s a little lower now but still great! As you know, this song just builds and builds until there*s an ecstatic peak, then Ciaran and Matthew J sang the last, quiet "Voca Me."
              Next came the longest standing ovation I*ve ever seen. The assistant director didn*t even have to tell us to stand up and clap. lol. We just kept clapping and clapping! After a while, the boys coaxed Tom to move forward to the front of the stage, and the crowd started loudly cheering and clapping some more! I think the boys really realized how great of a job they had done and how much the audience loved it. When we finished clapping, we sat down to await the director*s instructions. But there were none. No retake needed on that one! Robert Prizeman dismissed the boys and they waved to the audience as they left the stage. And the audience clapped again. lol.

              IP属地:四川7楼2014-08-15 13:00
                美国粉丝Mini Angel的博客续更:
                This is a video of the boys walking into the Meet and Greet posted by FanDeLoK. You can see the people lined up behind them waiting to get autographs.第一个
                The second video is by Philip Van. He posted the video with music in the background as well as this one without music so you can hear what the boys are saying.
                We find out that Bertie has been in the choir for 3 years. Tiarnan says that the Basilica is probably the best place they*ve ever sung - it*s quite big. A lady ahead in line keeps asking who Sam Leggett is. lol. She then asks who sang the high part, and Tom says, "That was me."
                Sam Wiggin says that the choir practices 4 times a week. Kavana reveals that they stayed in the US for 5 more days after the concert and that they might be coming back to the US!
                And oh my word, Gabe cuteness alert! Cassius calls Gabe a small midget to which Gabe replies, "I*m not the youngest, OK? I*m older than 3 people. And I*m still the smallest. Actually I*m not the smallest. lol.第二个
                This third video by Enjay Sea is especially great because you can hear Isaac say his lines in Gaelic from the concert. Daniel says that he*s been singing in the choir for about 7 years. It turns out that Alex Gula did NOT draw on the table. It was Matthew Madine and his green marker. (Actually a lot of markers bled through fabric onto the tablecloth. lol.) Isn*t Ben so sweet to sleepy Marc? Hugs! :)第三个
                每段文字后面的中文都是帮忙搬运博客的粉丝安娜调皮所写,呵呵,谢谢她这次所做的贡献 。

                IP属地:四川9楼2014-08-20 18:20

                  10楼2014-08-21 09:43

                    IP属地:四川11楼2014-09-20 18:10
                      SPECIAL concert in Washington DC on the 6th & 7th of August at The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception for new DVD filming!!
                      First of all, the new DVD will be released in March 2015! :D
                      And the title is most likely to be “Angels Sing, Libera in America”!
                      It was a “semi-closed set” filming on 6th – rehearsal, and DVD filming on 7th – free concert. I’m one of the donors (see the fundraising), so my seat was reserved. But the decision to open the “semi-closed set” day was a last minute decision by Libera management so that my decision to change my flight schedule had to be a last minute one as well. Phew!
                      Actually never thought they would do another DVD filming this summer because the Christmas DVD was filmed just a year ago. Of course new stuff is always most welcome! :D A bit sorry that some other planned concerts were not realised though.
                      Anyway, the concert (filming) was really wonderful. So before you all will see it in 7 months, I share something with you. ;)

                      This time 30 boys came to the US. :)
                      – Marc Alvares
                      – Shay Balsekar
                      – Henry Barrington
                      – Anthony Blake
                      – Ciaran Bradbury-Hickey
                      – Tiarnan Branson
                      – Gabriel Collins
                      – Kavana Crossley
                      – Thomas Delgado-Little
                      – Daniel Fontannaz
                      – Ben Fairman
                      – Alex Gula
                      – Matthew Jansen
                      – Timothy Lee
                      – Sam Leggett
                      – Isaac London
                      – Matthew Madine
                      – Eoghan McCarthy
                      – Alessandro MacKinnon-Botti
                      – Michael Menezes
                      – Alex Montoro
                      – Sam Moriarty
                      – Jakub Niedermaier-Reed
                      – Rocco Tesei
                      – Cassius O’Connell-White
                      – Matthew Rangel-Alvares
                      – Bertramo (Bertie) Smart
                      – Camden Stewart
                      – Sam Wiggin
                      – Lucas Wood

                      IP属地:四川12楼2014-09-20 18:14
                        Really glad to see the older members sing on the stage again!!
                        Last concert appearance of Sam L., Daniel, Tiarnan, Anthony, was the Christmas DVD last summer. As you know, Sam is the oldest guy (not ‘boy’ anymore as he’ll turn 20 in a few months!) ever to sing in Libera! Congrats, Sam! :D And the happiest surprise for me was Sammy’s comeback! His last stage was St George’s in 2012! Kavana and Henry are back as well. Actually I’ve seen/heard them sing in the choir at St P’s though, so happy that thay’re still in Libera. :D(哈哈,我还记得去年YUKI对山姆的恭喜尾音~~~~)
                        The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception is huge and so beautiful.

                        IP属地:四川13楼2014-09-20 18:26
                          The lighting for the concert was superb!! Think it was the most gorgeous one I’ve ever seen!! The lighting director, Jeroen Jans, has posted some photos of it on his Facebook. They are so beautiful! He was the lighting director of Leiden concert (Holand in 2007) as well, and he’s posted its photos too.
                          Dank u wel, to Mr. Jeroen for sharing those stunning photos and your great work on this DVD filming again!! :D

                          And the camera work was interesting to see! I could see the steadicam man, David M Aronson, running across the stage and aisle with the assistant a lot. Think it’s so hard to do that fitted with such a heavy stuff. He was all of a sweat working on it. That’s really professional! :D
                          You can see what he looked like ↓↓↓

                          IP属地:四川14楼2014-09-20 18:29
                            There were some differences of the way of filming between the one at Armagh last summer and this time.
                            As in Armagh, hair and makeup artists did check and fix the boys’ hair after every song. But this time, there was none of them. Steven G. sometimes came up to the stage instead, to fix their microphones and standing positions between the songs. Surprisingly he didn’t play the piano/keyboard, by the way. o_o
                            And we weren’t prompted to keep clapping (and smiling lol) longer by the director to film ‘audience shot’. So we did clap as usual concerts but we sort of couldn’t figure out the timing for standing ovation after the last song. Haha :P
                            Right before the concert.

                            IP属地:四川16楼2014-09-20 18:44
                              They sang 17 songs including 2 brand-new songs and 1 sort of new song! Yay! :D
                              1. Joyful Joyful
                              2. How Can I Keep From Singing
                              3. Be Still My Soul
                              4. Morning Has Broken ★
                              5. America The Beautiful ★
                              6. Wayfaring Stranger
                              7. Wonderful World
                              8. Amazing Grace
                              9. The Prayer ★
                              10. I Vow To Thee My Country
                              11. Ave Maria
                              12. How Great Thou Art
                              13. Rest In Peace
                              14. Sanctus
                              15. Song Of Life
                              16. How Shall I Sing That Majesty
                              17. Voca Me
                              ★= New song
                              The order for the DVD/CD will probably change.

                              1. Joyful Joyful
                              Always becoming happy to hear this song as the opening of concert. I love the beginning with “Jubilate~♪ Adoramus~♪”. :)
                              Oh yeh, I remember that we audience kept silence for a while after they finished singing as we didn’t know if we could clap or not! lol
                              2. How Can I Keep From Singing
                              Some of you might remember, I’ve said a lot that this song reminds me of Sammy. And you know, Sammy is here! Of course he was at the back though, I was just glad to see him. :D
                              Started and ended by Isaac’s solo. And the high notes by Tom.
                              3. Be Still My Soul
                              I think I heard this song at concert for the first time but surely had heard it live before, maybe at the church. Started without instruments. So beautiful a-cappella harmony! Tom’s high Ah-part was also beautiful.
                              This song was actually sung by 31 boys. Surprisingly the keyboard & piano player Josh joined it! Could anyone think he would change from his black shirt into the white robe during the concert?! You will see him sing in white robe at this song in the DVD. ;)

                              IP属地:四川17楼2014-09-20 18:54