Libera performed 17 songs. The assistant director told us they would not necessarily be in this order on the DVD. There was no encore, but we did get 2 new songs!
1. Joyful Joyful
Robert Prizeman wrote a new arrangement of this hymn and introduced it for the first time in April in New York City. It was a really happy and invigorating opening to the concert. The beginning of the song was all new with a nice flute part.
2. How Can I Keep From Singing
Tom sang the high notes.
3. Be Still My Soul
Josh put on a white robe and sang for this song. On the second verse, everyone sang quite low, even the treble boys. Tom sang a new, beautiful high part. Really lovely.
4. Morning Has Broken
Here*s where the lighting started to get really amazing. On this song it looked like sun rays were coming out! Wait til you see it! Alessandro, Ciaran, Sam, and Isaac sang by themselves at first.
Speech - Ciaran and Ben explaining that this is Libera*s third PBS concert, but it*s the first one they*ve ever made in the USA. :)
5. America the Beautiful - NEW SONG
This is a very patriotic song in America, and Libera just made it spectacular! Isaac sang by himself at first then with Alessandro and Sam. Tom and Lucas sang the high part. There were red lights shooting out from the altar with a stripe of white light coming out of the center. As the song went along it got more and more powerful until it swelled on the last verse. For the last verse, all the boys moved to the center of the stage, but Gabe was so into the song that he didn*t realize everyone had moved and just continued to sing from his spot on the left side. At the end of the song, everyone clapped then Steven came out and put him back in position. It was so adorable that everyone clapped and cheered again. I*m really glad that Libera did this song because my great-uncle and great-aunt came and his is a retired US Navy commander. They came to the concert with a large group of their friends who are also retired US military officers. One was a 3-star general! He told us he loved the concert! :)
6. Wayfaring Stranger
This song is stunning! Sam W soloed the first verse from the back of the stage then the full choir sang the chorus. Sam then slowly walked forward while singing the second verse, and the choir formed a "V" with Sam front and center. This song has such amazing harmonies. It*s just gorgeous. You*re going to love this one when you see and hear it!
Speech - Cassius and Ben told us that Rocco is the youngest on stage at age 9. Cassius is "old" at age 12, and he*s been in the choir for 5 years. Then 6 boys spoke in the language of where their family is from - Alex G - Polish, Lucas - Spanish (Mexico), Tom - Spanish (Spain), Sam W - French, Isaac - Gaelic (Ireland), Alex M - Italian. They said their names and what parent had heritage from another country. They each finished with the line "It*s a wonderful world" in their language.
7. Wonderful World
The solo by Isaac was fabulous! This was a new song in April. I*m so happy that I got to hear it, and you will be, too! :D
8. Amazing Grace
This is another song that was new in April, and it may make you cry. They filmed a close-up of Josh playing the piano at the beginning. There were red lights shining up the pillars of the altar. Ciaran has a beautiful solo on the next to last verse.
9. The Prayer - NEW SONG
You may know this song because it*s been sung by Andrea Bocelli, Celine Dion, and Josh Groban. Now it*s Libera*s turn. The boys started out kneeling. Isaac sang the solo then beautiful harmonies joined in. This one is stunning and made many people cry.
10. I Vow To Thee My Country
The first verse was sung by Tom, Alessandro, Alex M, Lucas, Sam W, and Isaac. Ciaran and Matthew J sang the "ooh*s." Tom sang the last "And all her paths are peace" with Ciaran harmonizing with him.
11. Ave Maria
Tom was in the center with 11 boys kneeling behind him. Tom*s solo was so pure that it was like a crystal bell. Just amazing!
12. How Great Thou Art
Aaah! This is my favorite hymn! Sam W sang the solo on the first verse. His voice reminds me a little bit of Josh*s voice. It*s very smooth. The song builds in volume and intensity. It*s very moving.
Speech - Ciaran and Alessandro introduced the next 2 songs.
13. Rest In Peace
This song was written after 9/11. Tom sang the solo. Sam W sang the ah*s.
14. Sanctus
Bertie sang the middle "ah*s" and the last "Sanctus, sanctus." Lucas sang the high part. There was a beautiful green light effect.
15. Song of Life
Really great solo by Isaac with the rest joining in on the chorus.
16. How Shall I Sing That Majesty
This song was stunning! Lucas and Alessandro sang the solos with Tom on the high part.
17. Voca Me
My favorite of the concert!! Josh was back singing for this song. There was a moving white light shining out from the altar. Tom was in the back by the altar to sing the high notes. Matthew J sang the "Lacrymosa" solo. He has always had a great voice. It*s a little lower now but still great! As you know, this song just builds and builds until there*s an ecstatic peak, then Ciaran and Matthew J sang the last, quiet "Voca Me."
Next came the longest standing ovation I*ve ever seen. The assistant director didn*t even have to tell us to stand up and clap. lol. We just kept clapping and clapping! After a while, the boys coaxed Tom to move forward to the front of the stage, and the crowd started loudly cheering and clapping some more! I think the boys really realized how great of a job they had done and how much the audience loved it. When we finished clapping, we sat down to await the director*s instructions. But there were none. No retake needed on that one! Robert Prizeman dismissed the boys and they waved to the audience as they left the stage. And the audience clapped again. lol.