【 Speech 】
Cassius & Ben.
They introduced the youngest boy, Rocco – he just turned 9.
And 6 boys spoke in the language of their parents’ native places; Alex G. – Polish, Lucas – Spanish (Mexico), Tom – Spanish (Spain), Sam W. – French, Isaac – Gaelic, Alex M. – Italian. They said “It’s a wonderful world” at the end in those languages for the next song. ;D
7. Wonderful World
Wonderful world by wonderful Isaac’s solo, Tom’s high notes and grand harmony. This is also arranged by Sam C. Love it! :))
8. Amazing Grace
Ciaran’s legato solo was so nice. It’s always beautiful to hear. :D
9. The Prayer
I love this song (rather say I love David Foster’s pieces so much!). Libera actually sang this song before but they just took part in “Classical Relief for Haiti” as a chorus at that time. So I was so happy to be able to hear this all sung by Libera! And it’ll be in DVD/CD! Oh this is arranged by Sam C. again! Bravo, Sam!! ;D
Isaac’s solo was so beautiful. And their warm harmony made the atmosphere so peaceful. It was too hard to hold back my tears. :*)
10. I Vow To Thee My Country
This was back in the set list after the Guildford concert. Started by unison of Isaac, Tom, Sam W., Lucas and some more. Tom & Ciaran’s harmony at the end sounded very nice! :)
11. Ave Maria
Very warm Ah-harmony at first, and then Tom’s solo. Needless to say, it was amazing!! So touching. :*)
12. How Great Thou Art
My another favourite song since this spring concerts. Nice Sam W’s solo. I do love the rich harmony. This time the instruments made it sound more gorgeous and emotional. :D
【 Speech 】
Alessandro & Ciaran.
Introduced the next 2 songs.
13. Rest In Peace
I heard this at concert for the first time. It means they hadn’t sung this song in and after 2009. So, the soloist of it was only Tom C. But another Tom, Tom DL, did it. Love both! ;D
14. Sanctus
The highest Ah-part by Tom & Lucas. Ah-part and last ‘Sanctus’ which Dylan had sung before, was by Bertie. Heavenly as always. :)
15. Song Of Life
Super happy that this song will be in the DVD/CD!!!! Solo by Isaac same as before. Actually I thought he was a little bit shaky on the 1st day (semi-closed set day), but he did a perfect job on the 2nd day!! And the high part was by Lucas, that was also great!! Hey Japanese fans, can’t wait to hear it, huh? xD
16. How Shall I Sing That Majesty
Solo by Lucas & Alessandro. The singing and the sound of instruments were majestic! :)
17. Voca Me
Started by a-cappella harmony and Tom’s high notes, and then Matthew J’s solo. That’s always impressive. On the 1st day, Tom didn’t sing as he was feeling under the weather towards the end. So we heard this song without the high notes. Very rare, isn’t it? Hehe ;)
Oh yeh, Josh joined it in white robe again. So you will see him sing twice.
(Photo by Libera)
Thank you, Libera and all the staff involved with the stage, for the great concert!!! CAN’T WAIT FOR THE NEW DVD!!! xD
There was a M&G after the concert. Will post my photos from it later. :)