惩罚题后续 红蜘蛛:【大人这是我的惩罚】 威震天:【····很好】 题目8 8、风华正茂的6选择和穷小子5结婚,但是3和7极力反对,最后5找到了好兄弟8要求好兄弟帮忙追求6,让3和7 同意嫁给5,但是以失败告终,5最后通过努力终于成为人中龙凤,但是6早就得了相思病红颜薄命,5选择随佳人而去还是另结新欢? Once upon a time there was a princess.Her beautiful name is bumblebee.The transformers who luckily got the chance to have a glance of her acknowleged that she was just like a goddess.The Empire admired her beauty and kindness. The King Op and Queen Rc realky wanted their little girl to marry to a guy who could take care of her and at the same time had enough money so they could afford to live a comfortable life.However,the princess indeed kept a secret,which was never told to any transformers.She love a young transformer,named Barricade. Unfortunately he had no money,he was just a guard of the palace.But he once saved her life!At the time when Barricade held Bumblebee in his warm arms,Bumblebee felt herself fell in love. It was so sweet that she forgot she was injured.Since that day ,they began to see each other more frequently.Bumblebee was surprised to know that Barricade loved her,too.He said to her,your are the one ,my ond and only. That day was like hell ,when Bumblebee set her mind to tell her father Optimus Prime the one she wanted to marry was Barricade. She waited anxiously,after a long time of slience,she was told that it was impossible.She ran to her room,crying.The Queen stood outside,she did not know why her little girl would love that guy,but now she had to figure out how to persuade her daughter and make Barricade give up. Barricade was waiting for his lover in the garden, while it had been so long,Bee still did not show up.So he decided to go and find his best friend Starscream ,who was the political guidence of the King,to seek some help. Knock…Knock…Who was there… It is me,Barry!It is urgent,please let me in! Starscream opened the door,and Barricade walked in. Man,I am really suffering! Tell me,old body,what is bothering you?…Wait !Are you……? Yes…I am fucking in love! Well~Let me guess who is that girl~ I can directly tell you.Bumblebee… What ?You got a big ball!Holy crap!You are really good!How dare you? Can you do me a favor?I am worried the King might not agree about that. So I wish you could be so kind to talk to the King.I will do whatever I can to pay you! ……Well,since you said whatever you can do……OK,you can count on me,my old friend! Starscream pat on his friend,and saw Barricade go away .Well ,well,well…Deep inside,Starscream knew it very well,there was not a chance the King would agree with his proposal. But he had already given Barricade his words! So…there were things that must be given up,if he wanted to get this problem solved. Starscream went to see the King.‘Optimus Prime, you royal highness,please allow me ,your loyal servant to help you slove the problem that deeply bothers you.’ The King felt quite surprise.‘The thief who stole the precious heart of your beloved daughter went to see me today afternoon.He beg me to say some words for him.’The king said,‘Well,just as you said,Barricade,the guard of this palace,he is now the one my daughter wants to marry.He is a good transformer,but it is really rare for us to marry our family member to a …a citizen.It just does not make sense.’ Starscream smiled,‘My King,here I have a good idea.It is my pleasure to help my lord.As you can see,the biggest problem is that Barricade is just a …normal citizen,why not we send him to the battle field and let him kill some dragons? If he can come back as a general…which means he need at least to leave this country for 18 years…by that time,I am pretty sure the princess will totally forget this coward!Well,Barricade is probably not alive after that decade.’ The Queen went by at this time.She heard the plan and said ‘I think it is good,actually very fair.If Barricade wants to marry our daughter,then he must be a general!’ The King thought it over and over again,it was the last way he would use,for he did not want to hurt her feelings.But ,sadly,it was the only way he could thought!So he decided to let Starscream arrange a meeting and tell Barricade his decision. Barricade went back to his place to pack up things he wanted to bring with him.He felt lucky,as long as he survived and became the general,he could marry her. Well,he did not have an idea how long it will take and the possibility he could not survive.He went to see Starscream on the day he left to express his grateful feelings and kissed Bumblebee goodbye under a cherry tree.The flowers blossomed as if it were in a pride,a slice of saddness floated in the air… The days were hard.In the army ,Barricade had to fight for his motherland as well as his own fate. He stared into the deeper space,hoping to see the smile of his dreaming girl .But the only thing he could see was those shining stars. As time passed by,he became more tough and brave.He was so fearless that everyone in the troop admired him.They call him the unbelievable Barry. Barricade often asked the news about his motherland,he was often told everything was fine.From time to time,he could get the message from the princess,in which she said she was still waiting for him.With these letters ,he finally got through to the of coming home. After 7 years,he came back,as General Barricade.The King and Queen warmly welcomed him.They held a party for him,while they did not metion a single word about the promise they made seven years ago. Barricade rushed to the place where Bumblebee lived as soon as he left the palace.It felt like he never leave. Barricade wondered around this place,he sensed that something was wrong.TheQueenappeared,‘General,there are things to be said.’ ‘General,We did not mean to hide forever.The Princess…She died a year ago. And that time …was the changing point of the war.We hoped you could help us win that war,so we did not distract you.Those letters were fake …The whole nation were inmersed in great sorrow,our people ,they need you to win.The Princess died because she missed you so much…there was no way to save her…We …we should have let you know.Optimus,he felt he had failed you,so he sent me to say these to you. ’ Barricade felt the whole was collapsing in front of his eyes…The dream that he had struggled for was just gone the wind… He left the palace with his heart broken,he tried to kill himself but he failed. In the end ,Barricade made a deal with the devil,he will not be killed until he made sure he could love again.He will feed on the blood of other transformers until he finds peace… This is the story of the first vampire—bot…Barricade.He is still living among us,waiting for his lover…suffering from love… ····················END···························