735549141223579链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1miL0BtI 密码: iugh310https://www.reddit.com/r/Nujabes/comments/4u928r/the_story_of_fe Feather, from the 2005 album Modal Soul is probably most most well known track Nujabes ever produced. The words preach a resonant message of frustration with the way people so easily forget each other’s humanity -- yet the impression the song gives is not that all is lost -- instead there is an optimism that seems to be almost bursting out of every bar, an optimism that things can change. One of the most recognizable elements of the song is the beat, which uses a six second sample as the framework for the entire song. If you lo1761721连接放下面31http://tieba.baidu.com/p/1438469359?pn=1 PT1 看我这个帖子497Maurice Ravel - Pavane for a Dead Princess(1899) Mildred Baily - The Lamp is Low (1939) Laurindo Almeida The Lamp is Low (1969) Nujabes - Aruarian Dance(2004) 外国网友发掘的 可以搜来听听 用几个角度欣赏Nujabes这首名作。 39年那个版本国内网站好像没 YouTube才有。891332714218019328生日快乐~nujabes,R.I.P(其实我是水贴的~~~)338951http://www.whosampled.com/artist/Nujabes/ http://www.sxdb.net/SongSearch.php?NextPageStart=0&KindOfArt 这两个网站可以找得到。 http://www4521http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDY0MTkwMjA4.html65nujabes于2010年2月26日深夜在东京都港区内首都高速的下降地段突然遭遇了车祸事故.虽然在救护车的护送下前往涉谷区内的医院进行了抢救,但心跳没能成功的复苏,朝着天空消散无尽了. 在他即将迎来36岁生日的时刻,急逝 葬礼是在仅有家属和nujabes的音乐陪同下秘密进行的 在这里谨为nujabes生前所受到的厚谊感谢大家并通知这个消息 在突然接到讣报后,一日复一日的悲伤和痛悔愈加浓烈 nujabes为世间传送出众多的乐曲表达了他对音乐的深厚热爱,才华横溢的