(not in order)
kurapica ('cos he is cool)
gon('cos he is funny)
killua('cos he is cool)
Gin (from the king of bandit (SP?))
itachi (no idea)
deidara (from naruto, no idea why also)
neji( 'cos he is cool!)
gaara ( i pity him though)
naruto ('cos he is funny)
rock lee (from naruto also, 'cos he is hardworking)
L (from death note, why? 'cos he is so then clever!!)
light....(death note...why? 'cos he is a weird good yet evil ppl)
too many to name.......nvm.........
edward elric ('cos he is so kawaii!!)
roy ( he serious and funny at the same time. like the mini-skirt thing.)
you have no idea how many ppl i like and respect......
oh and hao!! 'cos he is a bad boy!
and yoh! 'cos they are bro and he is carefree like me!!
like i said. you have no idea........i'm just....to random and hyper
omg! yuki we love you! *all those not mention doesn't mean i hate them*