NAM 49:
Bridge Additions and Improvements:
Red Truss Arch, Yellow Steel Girder, Green Truss, and Blue Supsension Bridges by IDS2 have been added for Road, Street, One-Way Road, AVE-2, ARD-3, NRD-4, OWR-3, RHW-2, RHW-3, RHW-4, and SAM Sets 2 and 6-11 (68 bridges total).
IDS2 为公路、街道、单行道、AVE-2、ARD-3、NRD-4、OWR-3、RHW-2、RHW-3、RHW-4 和 SAM 集 2 和 6-11 添加了红色桁架拱桥、黄色钢梁桥、绿色桁架桥和蓝色悬索桥(共计 68 座桥梁)。
Viaduct Bridges by Kitsune added at L3-L4 for MIS, RHW-4, and RHW-6S, and L0-L2 for Dual RHW-4 and RHW-6S (12 bridges total).
Kitsune 在 L3-L4 处为 MIS、RHW-4 和 RHW-6S 添加高架桥,在 L0-L2 处为 Dual RHW-4 和 RHW-6S 添加高架桥(共 12 座桥)。
Plain Bridges by eggman121 have been added for Hybrid Railway (HRW) at L0-L2 (3 bridges total).
eggman121 为混合铁路(HRW)在 L0-L2 处添加了普通桥梁(共 3 座桥梁)。
Ponte di Piacenza RRW Bridge by Ulisse Wolf added.
乌利塞·沃尔夫 (Ulisse Wolf) 设计的 Ponte di Piacenza RRW 桥。
Yes, that's 84 bridges. 是的,共有 84 座桥。
Every bridge has had its ceiling height updated (L0/Ground Level=-0.000001, L1=-7.5, L2=-15, L3=-22.5, L4=-30) to allow for a lower ferry clearance and for the elevated bridges to behave as . . . elevated bridges. As result the ferry clearance is now 270.1m / +20.1m. At this time its unknown how to get the in the game message to reflect this value, therefore it will incorrectly state the bridge is not suitable for ferries even though it is.
每座桥梁的天花板高度都已更新(L0/地面=-0.000001,L1=-7.5,L2=-15,L3=-22.5,L4=-30),以允许更低的渡轮净空,并使高架桥表现为……高架桥。因此,渡轮净空现在为 270.1 米/+20.1 米。目前尚不清楚如何让游戏消息反映此值,因此它会错误地指出该桥不适合渡轮,尽管它确实适合。
For models where property bridge obstruction = false, they have had the property removed after it was discovered the game is incorrectly treating it as bridge obstruction.
对于属性桥梁阻塞 = false 的模型,在发现游戏错误地将其视为桥梁阻塞后,他们已经删除了该属性。
Night textures fixed for RRW/Rail bridges, including the Iron Girder, Steel Arch, and Green Garabit Viaduct.
修复了 RRW/铁路桥的夜间纹理,包括铁梁桥、钢拱桥和绿色 Garabit 高架桥。
A pathing issue with the RHW-10S Cable-Stayed Bridge has been fixed.
RHW-10S 斜拉桥的路径问题已修复。
Bridge Controller file has been renamed from "NetworkAddonMod_Bridges_Plugin_Controller.dat" to "NetworkAddonMod_Bridge_Controller.dat".
Mass Transit Authority (MTA) Station Update:
公共交通管理局 (MTA) 车站更新:
Improvements across the board to Station Transit-Enabling (TE) properties.
全面改善车站交通便利 (TE) 性能。
Added SW77 El-Rail-over-Road station.
添加了 SW77 El-Rail-over-Road 站。
Added the Mattb325 Victorian Diagonal L1 Viaduct E-RRW and separate HRW versions.
添加了 Mattb325 Victorian Diagonal L1 Viaduct E-RRW 和单独的 HRW 版本。
Changes to the TE modding on the L2 Diagonal Rail stations, so they are now fully functional with E-RRW, you can just drag through the network on the lot. (They are also still functional with the puzzle pieces).
更改了 L2 对角线铁路站的 TE 改装,现在它们可以完全使用 E-RRW,您只需在地段上拖动网络即可。(它们仍可与拼图块一起使用)。
DN/MN prop options added.
添加了 DN/MN 道具选项。
LHD path remapping has been updated for GLR LOTting paths.
LHD 路径重新映射已针对 GLR LOTting 路径进行更新。
Street Network and SAM Improvements:
街道网络和 SAM 改进:
Street and SAM network paths have undergone a comprehensive set of improvements.
街道和 SAM 网络路径已经经历了全面的改进。
A texture issue has been fixed with the SAM-7 x Avenue OxO intersections.
SAM-7 x Avenue OxO 交叉口的纹理问题已修复。
SAM texture file architecture has been redesigned to ease future additions and maintenance.
SAM 纹理文件架构已经重新设计,以简化未来的添加和维护。
Shadow remapping and LHD pathing has been improved on Elevated Rail and Monorail crossings over SAM.
在 SAM 上的高架铁路和单轨交叉口,阴影重映射和 LHD 路径已经得到改善。
SAM x RRW crosslinks have been improved.
SAM x RRW 交联已得到改善。
RealHighway Improvements:
3-Level Crossings adjacent to 45° FLEXFly setups are now functional.
毗邻 45° FLEXFly 设置 的 3 级交叉口现已投入使用。
The diagonal overhanging models for the RHW-3, RHW-4, and MIS have been redesigned to minimize terrain clipping issues (wherein the terrain would poke through the highway).
RHW-3、RHW-4 和 MIS 的对角悬垂模型已经重新设计,以最大限度地减少地形剪切问题(地形会穿过高速公路)。
Major improvements have been made to the Type 21 exemplars on elevated RHW networks, especially those involving placement of support pillars.
高架 RHW 网络上的 21 型样板已经有了重大改进,特别是涉及放置支撑柱的改进。
Diagonal interactions between the RHW-2 and single-tile Maxis networks have been improved, particularly transitions and OxD T-intersections with Street, Road, and One-Way Road.
RHW-2 和单块 Maxis 网络之间的对角线交互已经得到改善,特别是与街道、道路和单行道的过渡和 OxD T 交叉口。
Stability improvements have been made to the L1 and L2 RHW-3 Type A1 ramps.
L1 和 L2 RHW-3 A1 型坡道的稳定性已得到改善。
Numerous tooltip texts have been updated to properly indicate current network support.
Roundabout Improvements: 环岛改进:
Thanks to Lucario Boricua, the NAM's roundabouts have received a comprehensive set of pathing fixes, designed to improve capacity and Pedestrian functionality.
感谢 Lucario Boricua,NAM 的环形交叉路口已获得一整套路径修复,旨在提高容量和行人功能。
Other Various Improvements:
The NWM's NRD-4 network now has a Diagonal Starter.
NWM 的 NRD-4 网络现在有一个对角线启动器。
Various previously-unsupported T-intersections involving Avenues and One-Way Roads have been added.
已添加多种以前不受支持的涉及大道和单行道的 T 型交叉路口。
Missing texture for Double Orthogonal Street x Diagonal Avenue intersection has been added.
已添加双正交街道 x 对角大道交叉口缺失的纹理。
NWM DxD intersections now have improved models with smoother corners and terrain handling. There is also now a non-default option to alter the Road and One-Way Road DxD intersections to use similar overhanging models (the "Wide Corner Road and One-Way Road DxD Intersections" option, found under "2 Additional Network Features > Road, One-Way Road, and Avenue").
NWM DxD 交叉路口现在拥有改进的模型,拐角和地形处理更加平滑。现在还有一个非默认选项,可以更改道路和单行道 DxD 交叉路口以使用类似的悬垂模型(“宽角道路和单行道 DxD 交叉路口”选项,位于“2 个附加网络特征 > 道路、单行道和大道”下)。
Raiser/Digger icons have been revised.
Raiser/Digger 图标已被修改。
A new icon has been added at the bottom of the Highways Menu (right near the NAM Controller Marker) to show which capacity level of the NAM Traffic Simulator one has installed.
在高速公路菜单底部(靠近 NAM 控制器标记)添加了一个新图标,以显示已安装的 NAM 交通模拟器的容量级别。
Issues with the Draggable Fractional Angle Road streetlight placement has been addressed.
Replaced EU_Common_Sign_Props.dat with a version from rivit, which rescales the props to be a bit smaller.
用 rivit 的版本替换了EU_Common_Sign_Props.dat ,将道具重新缩放得稍微小一些。
Semi-Auto Turn Lane textures have been updated to fix wealth-related issues reported by Dead_End.
半自动转弯车道纹理已更新,以修复 Dead_End 报告的财富相关问题。
Duplicate Rural FTL textures in the US folder have been removed.
美国文件夹中重复的乡村 FTL 纹理已被删除。
The Maxis Highway Override (MHO) Diagonal Bridge Enabler (DBE) support files have been added.
已添加 Maxis 高速公路覆盖 (MHO) 对角桥启动器 (DBE) 支持文件。
NAM Lite 4 has also been released:
NAM Lite 4也已发布:
The issue with the Custom Interchanges button not allowing one to access more than just a single interchange type has been addressed (thanks to /u/Fart_Bard on /r/simcity4 for the report).
自定义交换按钮不允许访问多种交换类型的问题已得到解决(感谢 /r/simcity4 上的 /u/Fart_Bard 的报告)。
NAM Lite's file architecture has been better harmonized with that of the full edition of the NAM.
NAM Lite 的文件架构与 NAM 完整版的文件架构更加协调。

NAM 49:
Bridge Additions and Improvements:
Red Truss Arch, Yellow Steel Girder, Green Truss, and Blue Supsension Bridges by IDS2 have been added for Road, Street, One-Way Road, AVE-2, ARD-3, NRD-4, OWR-3, RHW-2, RHW-3, RHW-4, and SAM Sets 2 and 6-11 (68 bridges total).
IDS2 为公路、街道、单行道、AVE-2、ARD-3、NRD-4、OWR-3、RHW-2、RHW-3、RHW-4 和 SAM 集 2 和 6-11 添加了红色桁架拱桥、黄色钢梁桥、绿色桁架桥和蓝色悬索桥(共计 68 座桥梁)。
Viaduct Bridges by Kitsune added at L3-L4 for MIS, RHW-4, and RHW-6S, and L0-L2 for Dual RHW-4 and RHW-6S (12 bridges total).
Kitsune 在 L3-L4 处为 MIS、RHW-4 和 RHW-6S 添加高架桥,在 L0-L2 处为 Dual RHW-4 和 RHW-6S 添加高架桥(共 12 座桥)。
Plain Bridges by eggman121 have been added for Hybrid Railway (HRW) at L0-L2 (3 bridges total).
eggman121 为混合铁路(HRW)在 L0-L2 处添加了普通桥梁(共 3 座桥梁)。
Ponte di Piacenza RRW Bridge by Ulisse Wolf added.
乌利塞·沃尔夫 (Ulisse Wolf) 设计的 Ponte di Piacenza RRW 桥。
Yes, that's 84 bridges. 是的,共有 84 座桥。
Every bridge has had its ceiling height updated (L0/Ground Level=-0.000001, L1=-7.5, L2=-15, L3=-22.5, L4=-30) to allow for a lower ferry clearance and for the elevated bridges to behave as . . . elevated bridges. As result the ferry clearance is now 270.1m / +20.1m. At this time its unknown how to get the in the game message to reflect this value, therefore it will incorrectly state the bridge is not suitable for ferries even though it is.
每座桥梁的天花板高度都已更新(L0/地面=-0.000001,L1=-7.5,L2=-15,L3=-22.5,L4=-30),以允许更低的渡轮净空,并使高架桥表现为……高架桥。因此,渡轮净空现在为 270.1 米/+20.1 米。目前尚不清楚如何让游戏消息反映此值,因此它会错误地指出该桥不适合渡轮,尽管它确实适合。
For models where property bridge obstruction = false, they have had the property removed after it was discovered the game is incorrectly treating it as bridge obstruction.
对于属性桥梁阻塞 = false 的模型,在发现游戏错误地将其视为桥梁阻塞后,他们已经删除了该属性。
Night textures fixed for RRW/Rail bridges, including the Iron Girder, Steel Arch, and Green Garabit Viaduct.
修复了 RRW/铁路桥的夜间纹理,包括铁梁桥、钢拱桥和绿色 Garabit 高架桥。
A pathing issue with the RHW-10S Cable-Stayed Bridge has been fixed.
RHW-10S 斜拉桥的路径问题已修复。
Bridge Controller file has been renamed from "NetworkAddonMod_Bridges_Plugin_Controller.dat" to "NetworkAddonMod_Bridge_Controller.dat".
Mass Transit Authority (MTA) Station Update:
公共交通管理局 (MTA) 车站更新:
Improvements across the board to Station Transit-Enabling (TE) properties.
全面改善车站交通便利 (TE) 性能。
Added SW77 El-Rail-over-Road station.
添加了 SW77 El-Rail-over-Road 站。
Added the Mattb325 Victorian Diagonal L1 Viaduct E-RRW and separate HRW versions.
添加了 Mattb325 Victorian Diagonal L1 Viaduct E-RRW 和单独的 HRW 版本。
Changes to the TE modding on the L2 Diagonal Rail stations, so they are now fully functional with E-RRW, you can just drag through the network on the lot. (They are also still functional with the puzzle pieces).
更改了 L2 对角线铁路站的 TE 改装,现在它们可以完全使用 E-RRW,您只需在地段上拖动网络即可。(它们仍可与拼图块一起使用)。
DN/MN prop options added.
添加了 DN/MN 道具选项。
LHD path remapping has been updated for GLR LOTting paths.
LHD 路径重新映射已针对 GLR LOTting 路径进行更新。
Street Network and SAM Improvements:
街道网络和 SAM 改进:
Street and SAM network paths have undergone a comprehensive set of improvements.
街道和 SAM 网络路径已经经历了全面的改进。
A texture issue has been fixed with the SAM-7 x Avenue OxO intersections.
SAM-7 x Avenue OxO 交叉口的纹理问题已修复。
SAM texture file architecture has been redesigned to ease future additions and maintenance.
SAM 纹理文件架构已经重新设计,以简化未来的添加和维护。
Shadow remapping and LHD pathing has been improved on Elevated Rail and Monorail crossings over SAM.
在 SAM 上的高架铁路和单轨交叉口,阴影重映射和 LHD 路径已经得到改善。
SAM x RRW crosslinks have been improved.
SAM x RRW 交联已得到改善。
RealHighway Improvements:
3-Level Crossings adjacent to 45° FLEXFly setups are now functional.
毗邻 45° FLEXFly 设置 的 3 级交叉口现已投入使用。
The diagonal overhanging models for the RHW-3, RHW-4, and MIS have been redesigned to minimize terrain clipping issues (wherein the terrain would poke through the highway).
RHW-3、RHW-4 和 MIS 的对角悬垂模型已经重新设计,以最大限度地减少地形剪切问题(地形会穿过高速公路)。
Major improvements have been made to the Type 21 exemplars on elevated RHW networks, especially those involving placement of support pillars.
高架 RHW 网络上的 21 型样板已经有了重大改进,特别是涉及放置支撑柱的改进。
Diagonal interactions between the RHW-2 and single-tile Maxis networks have been improved, particularly transitions and OxD T-intersections with Street, Road, and One-Way Road.
RHW-2 和单块 Maxis 网络之间的对角线交互已经得到改善,特别是与街道、道路和单行道的过渡和 OxD T 交叉口。
Stability improvements have been made to the L1 and L2 RHW-3 Type A1 ramps.
L1 和 L2 RHW-3 A1 型坡道的稳定性已得到改善。
Numerous tooltip texts have been updated to properly indicate current network support.
Roundabout Improvements: 环岛改进:
Thanks to Lucario Boricua, the NAM's roundabouts have received a comprehensive set of pathing fixes, designed to improve capacity and Pedestrian functionality.
感谢 Lucario Boricua,NAM 的环形交叉路口已获得一整套路径修复,旨在提高容量和行人功能。
Other Various Improvements:
The NWM's NRD-4 network now has a Diagonal Starter.
NWM 的 NRD-4 网络现在有一个对角线启动器。
Various previously-unsupported T-intersections involving Avenues and One-Way Roads have been added.
已添加多种以前不受支持的涉及大道和单行道的 T 型交叉路口。
Missing texture for Double Orthogonal Street x Diagonal Avenue intersection has been added.
已添加双正交街道 x 对角大道交叉口缺失的纹理。
NWM DxD intersections now have improved models with smoother corners and terrain handling. There is also now a non-default option to alter the Road and One-Way Road DxD intersections to use similar overhanging models (the "Wide Corner Road and One-Way Road DxD Intersections" option, found under "2 Additional Network Features > Road, One-Way Road, and Avenue").
NWM DxD 交叉路口现在拥有改进的模型,拐角和地形处理更加平滑。现在还有一个非默认选项,可以更改道路和单行道 DxD 交叉路口以使用类似的悬垂模型(“宽角道路和单行道 DxD 交叉路口”选项,位于“2 个附加网络特征 > 道路、单行道和大道”下)。
Raiser/Digger icons have been revised.
Raiser/Digger 图标已被修改。
A new icon has been added at the bottom of the Highways Menu (right near the NAM Controller Marker) to show which capacity level of the NAM Traffic Simulator one has installed.
在高速公路菜单底部(靠近 NAM 控制器标记)添加了一个新图标,以显示已安装的 NAM 交通模拟器的容量级别。
Issues with the Draggable Fractional Angle Road streetlight placement has been addressed.
Replaced EU_Common_Sign_Props.dat with a version from rivit, which rescales the props to be a bit smaller.
用 rivit 的版本替换了EU_Common_Sign_Props.dat ,将道具重新缩放得稍微小一些。
Semi-Auto Turn Lane textures have been updated to fix wealth-related issues reported by Dead_End.
半自动转弯车道纹理已更新,以修复 Dead_End 报告的财富相关问题。
Duplicate Rural FTL textures in the US folder have been removed.
美国文件夹中重复的乡村 FTL 纹理已被删除。
The Maxis Highway Override (MHO) Diagonal Bridge Enabler (DBE) support files have been added.
已添加 Maxis 高速公路覆盖 (MHO) 对角桥启动器 (DBE) 支持文件。
NAM Lite 4 has also been released:
NAM Lite 4也已发布:
The issue with the Custom Interchanges button not allowing one to access more than just a single interchange type has been addressed (thanks to /u/Fart_Bard on /r/simcity4 for the report).
自定义交换按钮不允许访问多种交换类型的问题已得到解决(感谢 /r/simcity4 上的 /u/Fart_Bard 的报告)。
NAM Lite's file architecture has been better harmonized with that of the full edition of the NAM.
NAM Lite 的文件架构与 NAM 完整版的文件架构更加协调。