符合港股美股上市主要标准就可以推进包销:承销商统一承担所有库存风险 成功协助多家企业完成美港股上市,涵盖科技、医疗、消费等多个领域。汇聚投行、法律、财务等领域的资深专家为企业提供全方位、专业化服务。与众多国际知名投资机构强大资源为企业引入优质投资者。根据企业量身定制上市方案提供精准高效包销服务。上市前咨询与规划:评估企业上市可行性制定上市方案,协助企业进行架构重组与财务规范。招股说明书撰写与申报:协助企业撰写符合监管要求的招股说明书并完成相关申报工作。路组织全球路演,帮助企业对接潜在投资者,提升企业市场认知度。根据市场情况,制定合理发现方案与定价策略,确保发行成功。提供信息披露、投资者关系维护等持续服务助力企业。市值管理:依托我方核心资源与券商自身硬实力对企业家做出市值管理承诺,维护企业和投资者利益#公司上市#IPO#股市#二级市场#世界500强 Underwriting can be promoted if it meets the main criteria for Hong Kong and U.S. stock listings: underwriters uniformly bear all the risks of inventory Successfully assisted a number of companies to complete the listing of U.S. and Hong Kong stocks, covering a wide range of fields such as science and technology, health care, consumer and so on. Gathering senior experts in the fields of investment banking, law, finance, etc. to provide a full range of professional services for enterprises. We have strong resources with many international famous investment organizations to introduce quality investors for enterprises. Provide accurate and efficient underwriting services according to the customized listing plan of enterprises. Pre-listing consulting and planning: assessing the feasibility of listing and formulating the listing plan, assisting the enterprise in structural reorganization and financial standardization. Prospectus writing and filing: assist enterprises in writing prospectuses that meet regulatory requirements and complete related filings. Organize global roadshows to help companies connect with potential investors and enhance market awareness. According to the market situation, formulate reasonable discovery programs and pricing strategies to ensure the success of the offering. Provide continuous sMarket Value Management:Relying on our core resources and the brokerage firm's own hard power to make market value management commitments to entrepreneurs, to safeguard the interests of enterprises and investors Company Listings IPO Stock Market Secondary Market World's top 500 companies