Li Xin and Nanfang, I would like to extend a warm greeting to you, Li Xin. Hello! Prefer associating with people from the South, as they have more quality than people from the North. Not praising Southerners, I'm from Shandong. Shandong, your mother is a f****e d*g. I can only say, I can only say that I have se***al in********e with your mother. I just talk to your mother like this. Oh, your mother is unable to defend herself, right? This is not helpless. What should I tell you? What is it? Why do you say anything? Why do I talk to you like this? Because we just say anything. Really, Li Xin, what is it, really? Come back, come back, come back. Can you please come back? We need you to come back. Your presence is greatly missed. Please come back. Can you come back? I know who you are from Shandong. I just said something about them indirectly. I do not care who he is. Do you know? I do not care who he is. Do you know? He is the host. What is wrong? What is wrong? Is there light on the host's face? Do you dare to scold the host? Are you brave enough to criticize the host? The individual is a well-known host. What occurred to the well-known host? You are appearing on television, so it is inconsequential.