#屠宰污水处理设备 #屠宰废水处理 #一体化污水处理设备 #屠宰场污水处理 #污水处理设备 屠宰污水处理设备工艺主要包括格栅除杂、隔油沉淀、调节水质、气浮处理、水解酸化及生物接触氧化等步骤。该工艺首先去除大块杂物与油脂,再调节水质水量,通过气浮去除细小悬浮物,随后在水解酸化池中降解大分子有机物,最后在生物接触氧化池中进一步净化水质。整个处理过程高效稳定,确保出水水质达标。The process of slaughter sewage treatment equipment mainly includes grid impurity removal, oil separation and precipitation, water quality adjustment, air flotation treatment, hydrolytic acidification and biological contact oxidation. The process firstly removes large debris and grease, then adjusts the water quality and quantity, removes fine suspended matter by air flotation, then degrades macromolecular organic matter in hydrolytic acidification tank, and finally further purifies the water quality in biological contact oxidation tank. The whole treatment process is efficient and stable, ensuring that the effluent quality reaches the standard.