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奥地利学派一向以主张自由贸易著称,即便存在保护性关税,奥派通常也主张实行单边自由贸易(unilateral free trade)。但经群友提醒,米塞斯曾在1940年给奥匈帝国末代王储奥托冯哈布斯堡的一份秘密专论中,容许报复性关税存在。这或许可以理解为作为“经济学家和自由主义者”的米塞斯和作为“国家官僚”的米塞斯在同一问题上的不同考量,代表着米塞斯的不同面向。

IP属地:福建1楼2024-11-16 12:40回复
    Free trade does not imply the elimination of all tariffs. What it doesimply is that no attempt will be made to raise domestic prices by imposing import duties, to give domestic producers a chance to sell their waresmore advantageously than their foreign competitors. Only two kinds of import duties are therefore compatible with free trade:
    1. Duties levied on articles for which consumption taxes are imposed(alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and tobacco products); these duties mustbe set at exactly the same level as domestic taxes for these products.
    2. Retaliatory tariffs, which apply to imports of all or certain commodities from countries that adopt a hostile policy toward Austrian exports. Retaliatory tariffs must be imposed at any given time only against a limitednumber of countries, to maintain Austria’s supply of each of these individual articles at world market prices.
    原文出处为Mises, A Draft of Guidelines for theReconstruction of Austria,1940, in Selected Writings of Ludwig von Mises: The Political Economy of InternationalReform and Reconstruction, edited by Richard Ebeling. 原文为德语,德语标题为Entwurf von Richtlinien für den Wiederaufbau Österreichs.

    IP属地:福建2楼2024-11-16 12:58