Dev Diary #35 - Ways of War: Tomes and Wildlife
Thread starterFangirlCrazily
Start dateOct 10, 2024
Hello again! I am Luis Ferreira, a senior designer at Triumph Studios. This time we are going over the Tomes and Wildlife that will be available to you on the first pack of our second expansion pass, Ways of War.
TomesTome of Discipline

The Tome of Discipline is a Tier I tome of Materium and Order affinities. This tome is all about channeling inner strength and conducting its magic to empower or heal your units.

The Monk is a Fighter that conducts the tomes empowering magic into its strikes. It punches its enemies and on a third strike in the same turn it triggers a Spirit explosion on the target that also hits adjacent enemies. They have a Leap free action ability which allows them to jump up to 2 hexes, which helps them position and trigger that explosive third strike. Additionally, it also has a Meditate ability which heals, removes 2 Negative Status and places them in defense mode, making the monk a nice allround unit to have!

The minor transformation Inner Mastery grants a small bonus to status resistance while also giving your racial units increased healing in battle.

To further help sustain your units you need a healing spell to trigger Inner Mastery’s extra healing. Mantra of Purification is a powerful spell that does just that while also removing all their Negative Status Effect.

The Tome of Discipline has two unit enchantments. Empowered Strikes grants shield, polearm and fighter units extra damage and gives a similar effect to the Monk, where the third strike in a turn causes it to have a chance to stun their target. Focus Aim gives an ability that as a free action grants the unit True Strike for that turn, meaning their attacks cannot miss.
Thread starterFangirlCrazily
Start dateOct 10, 2024
Hello again! I am Luis Ferreira, a senior designer at Triumph Studios. This time we are going over the Tomes and Wildlife that will be available to you on the first pack of our second expansion pass, Ways of War.
TomesTome of Discipline

The Tome of Discipline is a Tier I tome of Materium and Order affinities. This tome is all about channeling inner strength and conducting its magic to empower or heal your units.

The Monk is a Fighter that conducts the tomes empowering magic into its strikes. It punches its enemies and on a third strike in the same turn it triggers a Spirit explosion on the target that also hits adjacent enemies. They have a Leap free action ability which allows them to jump up to 2 hexes, which helps them position and trigger that explosive third strike. Additionally, it also has a Meditate ability which heals, removes 2 Negative Status and places them in defense mode, making the monk a nice allround unit to have!

The minor transformation Inner Mastery grants a small bonus to status resistance while also giving your racial units increased healing in battle.

To further help sustain your units you need a healing spell to trigger Inner Mastery’s extra healing. Mantra of Purification is a powerful spell that does just that while also removing all their Negative Status Effect.

The Tome of Discipline has two unit enchantments. Empowered Strikes grants shield, polearm and fighter units extra damage and gives a similar effect to the Monk, where the third strike in a turn causes it to have a chance to stun their target. Focus Aim gives an ability that as a free action grants the unit True Strike for that turn, meaning their attacks cannot miss.