"What makes me more angry is looking at the data," he said. "Because as soon as I was entering the corner, I was in front, leaving space because I was knowing that he was there, but I was with much more speed so I didn't need to close the line to be in front.
"And as soon as I entered the corner, I heard his engine, his throttle opening. This is bad.
"And then the things that are even worse is the fact he remained with 40-60% throttle till he crashed. So... it's very dangerous, to have someone that does something like this.
“然后更糟糕的是,他一直保持 40-60% 的油门,直到他撞车。所以。。。有人做这样的事情是非常危险的。
"Because you try to avoid normally contact. You don't want to have contact with anyone. And from the data, from what happened, [it seems] someone doesn't have the same idea."
“因为你尽量避免正常的接触。您不想与任何人接触。从数据来看,从发生的事情来看,[似乎] 有人没有同样的想法。