同标题,5600g的核显能运行吗,以前家里电脑也核显没运行成功,最近要换电脑了但是不经常在电脑上打游戏之类的所以决定不加显卡,不知道5600g的核显能不能运行,如果不行的话i3 12100行不行
— Begin chusan_pre_startup —
Pinned shader compiler, hMod=66E90000
Pinned debug helper library, hMod=68DE0000
Chusan: cab mode is CVT (60hz)
Chunithm IO: Using custom IO DLL: brokenithm.dll
JVS I/O: Starting IO backend
— End chusan_pre_startup —
Clock: Returning JST timezone
Gfx: Direct3DCreate9 hook hit
Gfx: IDirect3D9::CreateDevice hook hit
Gfx: IDirect3D9:: Using Display No 0
Game processes have terminated
请按任意键继续. . .
— Begin chusan_pre_startup —
Pinned shader compiler, hMod=66E90000
Pinned debug helper library, hMod=68DE0000
Chusan: cab mode is CVT (60hz)
Chunithm IO: Using custom IO DLL: brokenithm.dll
JVS I/O: Starting IO backend
— End chusan_pre_startup —
Clock: Returning JST timezone
Gfx: Direct3DCreate9 hook hit
Gfx: IDirect3D9::CreateDevice hook hit
Gfx: IDirect3D9:: Using Display No 0
Game processes have terminated
请按任意键继续. . .