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首先应该感谢蒂法, 克劳德精神状态或有问题于是他的视角不可全信, 爱丽丝物理状态有杰诺瓦的嫌疑于是她的视角也不可全信, 而蒂法由于她接触过生命之流, 和当事人克劳德、爱丽丝一样, 与生命之流产生了联系, 按控制变量法来说条件满足, 又作为善意第三人, 那她在现场目击到的状况就应当是毫无疑问最接近事实的, 而她则目击到了爱丽丝的两种状态以及由无血状态闪现出带血状态的过程, 这是非常重要的关键。
有些理论说由于蒂法是因生命之流才能看到没血的爱丽丝, 所以她看到的是生命之流里的场景, 这是非常荒谬的, 为什么, 因为如果那是真实发生在生命之流里的场景, 生命之流的爱丽丝为什么要给克劳德制造她没事的错觉来让克劳德的精神状态恶化?生命之流爱丽丝是毫无疑问知道未来的, 那么她就应该知道即使克劳德知道她死了一切依旧会好起来, 给予一个注定会被识破的希望只会让事情变得更糟, 一向通情达理的爱丽丝不可能不知道这么简单的事情, 在AC还是什么里也有爱丽丝因为担心克劳德变得更糟而没有露面的描写, 怎么在这她就突然不知道这个简单的道理了?在所有爱丽丝一定确实死了、克劳德失败了的理论中, 唯一能解释这个爱丽丝的方法只有“这个爱丽丝是克劳德自己由于杰诺瓦影响而产生的幻觉”, 但这毫无疑问与蒂法视角相矛盾, 她要怎么看到克劳德的幻觉?但凡不割裂地看剧情, 把点串成线, 就会发现这些理论有多么地前后矛盾。

IP属地:上海来自Android客户端1楼2024-06-23 16:50回复

    IP属地:上海来自Android客户端2楼2024-06-23 16:51
      DEADLINE: I’m scared to ask, but we have to talk a little bit about the ending. On the final date with Aerith, Cloud looks up and sees the sky split in half. Then, you get to the end of the game when Cloud is with the group and without Aerith; he gives them the same warning she gave him: to not look up at the sky. Cloud can see the rift again, but no one else can. Can you tease what this means for the fans? What does it mean for Cloud in the future? Is he in limbo?
      HAMAGUCHI: [Laughs]. In terms of commenting on what exactly this ending means, I would, of course, like the players to experience this and come up with their own ideas and understanding of how to interpret it. So, while I can’t specifically comment on this, I will say that for Rebirth, I do think that the ending we have positioned it in a way to allow players to have almost precisely that opinion you have. But I’m excited to see the various interpretations according to each individual. And, of course, seeing that in terms of development, it’s not so that we’ll have Rebirth out and then immediately have the next title the following year. So, there’s going to be quite some time between the release of Rebirth and the third concluding title. So, I believe it is our wishes to present something that will allow for this type of healthy discussion and conjecture about what this could all mean and its meaning as we are moving towards the end of the trilogy. And so, that was something that we wanted to include for people to have these types of questions.

      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端3楼2024-06-23 16:58

        IP属地:安徽来自Android客户端4楼2024-06-23 18:04