He was just getting to his feet when the Titan came at him again. Kong hadn’t even hit him yet, but he wanted to. Why wouldn’t Godzilla pay attention? 在被哥斯拉攻击的过程中金刚也没有生气,在思考为什么哥斯拉没有注意(地心空洞或者地心空洞发生的事情)?
Kong drove his yellow-arm fist straight into Godzilla’s mouth。lizard pitched back into the dirt. Kong expected him to get right back up, but instead he lay still. Not dead. 第一次发觉到哥斯拉要吐息的时候(心里描写是不阻止的话会……)金刚用他黄色的手臂塞进了哥斯拉嘴里把它打倒,哥斯拉躺着不动,但是没死。 金刚觉得是把它带进地心的好机会就高兴的扛着哥斯拉尾巴往地心赶。
The Titan slammed his feet down again, and this time Kong didn’t have time to move. The clawed foot smashed into his chest. Before Kong could move, the foot went up and down, stomping on him repeatedly. Then Godzilla pressed down on Kong with all his weight and reared up to his full height. His spines flashed like purple lightning. Kong raised his yellow arm defensively, hoping it might help, wishing now more than ever that he had his axe. He squirmed, but Godzilla had him pinned. He would never get free before— 写了因为视野原因什么也看不见被击倒,金刚前所未有的希望这个时候它的手里有斧头。
It was hard to comprehend the sheer scale of what was happening. Godzilla was almost unthinkably huge for a living creature. Next to Shimo, he looked merely middle sized. Like a humpback whale next to a blue whale. They rammed one another; Shimo snapped at Godzilla’s neck, but Godzilla reared back, rolled up, and kicked Shimo with both hind legs, knocking the two saurians in opposite directions. Godzilla recovered first, twisting and slapping a nearby ape with his tail, thrusting him back toward the World Ender. Shimo fetched against a boulder and clawed at it. Their trajectories were not quite lined up: Godzilla sailed past Shimo, who struck him solidly with her enormously thick tail, sending Godzilla once more plunging out of control. 人类视角里哥斯拉相比别的生物已经是难以想象的巨大,但是在雪魔旁边只是中等水平,就好像是蓝鲸旁边的座头鲸。
Jia was back. She was okay. And she had just saved their lives. Of course, the H.E.A.V was still at the mercy of gravity, still very much out of control. She craned her neck, trying to relocate Mothra, and instead saw Shimo launching herself toward Godzilla. This time the World Ender didn’t wait to close the distance. Instead, she unleashed the energy that had begun the last Ice Age directly at Godzilla, who was hurtling toward her, head-first. There were no floating boulders nearby, no way for him to change course. The icy beam struck him full in the snout. Ilene watched in horror as ice immediately began forming on him, crusting his face and neck. His fierce glow sputtered and subsided, overwhelmed by Shimo’s power. 第一次对波,石穆在哥斯拉身上使用了最后一个冰河时代的能量(?不确定是不是这么翻,感觉有点怪),压制了哥斯拉的吐息。
Godzilla and Hypothetical rolled through the city, a pair of juggernauts flattening everything in their path.But, maybe for the first time, Godzilla was a middleweight fighter in a heavyweight brawl. The larger Titan flung Godzilla halfway across Rio. When he crashed to a stop, he lay still.Impossible, Hampton thought. Was Godzilla stunned? Injured? Either way, he was vulnerable, wasn’t he? But the Ice Monster—nah, not that either—didn’t stop to savage her fallen foe. Instead she went banging back toward Red and Kong. 里约战的第一回合哥斯拉被打下线了,被石穆丢到了市中心,然后石穆抛下了哥斯拉去找金刚。
Kong pushed his augmented arm into the beam, using it as a shield. It seemed to work—he at least wasn’t covered in ice yet。kong began to press forward against Monster H’s freezing breath. 最抽象的一集来了,金刚把手套当做盾牌顶着石穆的吐息前进。
Instead, radiation jetted from his open mouth, brighter, stronger than ever before, boring through the air in a corkscrew pattern, straight toward Red. At the last instant Red noticed and dove frantically away, tumbling through a few buildings before leaping back up and snapping his bone whip at Godzilla. 再次强调哥斯拉此次的吐息是前所未有的强大。(指的是喷牢疤那一发)
Kong pushed his way toward Shimo; the cold was starting to seep through his yellow arm. But without it he knew from experience it would be much, much colder. He remembered the awful pain well, the surprise. But he also remembered that Shimo had been in pain. She was in agony now, he could tell. But he didn’t know how to stop her pain, so he would have to stop her. If he didn’t, she would kill him. Godzilla had just knocked the blue crystal from the Skar King’s hand. Kong remembered how the Skar King kept Shimo chained. Why did she do what the Skar King said? She hated him. And she was far more powerful than him. 金刚不理解为什么石穆会听疤王的,她比疤王强大的多。
If Shimo froze him, though, it wouldn’t matter. He grunted and pushed forward, ignoring the cold, closer and closer to the other Titan, until they were nearly eye to eye. He was sure, then. She was trying to stop whatever was hurting her. She didn’t care about Kong; he was just in her way. 金刚继续用手套顶着吐息继续前进。