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原神的福音 Gospel of Genshin 创世纪


Gospel of Genshin
chapter 0
the GOD and the messenger
There was nothing but nothingness before the genshin universe therefore the Genshin said bring the light and there was 网页链接 light shine among the eternity but nothing was shined therefore the lord said bring the land so Teyvat is created this was the first day.
Teyvat大陆最初一片虚无原神便说这里要有生灵且将自己的意志分成七份散播在大陆上并将自己的信使派萌送往teyvat大陆去指引追随原神的生灵。原神的信徒们你们的魂魄里面有与吾之七魄之一 即:火、水、风、雷、草、冰、岩之一只要保持一颗虔诚的心我会保佑你的并且赋予你神的能力。
land Teyvat was void the lord said bring the creatures and the lord split the spirit in to seven and pour on to the land the lord send the messenger Paimon to guide the believers。
believers your been given one of my seven spirit in you soul
(fire,aquas,storm,thunder,grass,crystal,rock )
as long as your loyal to Genshin you will be guide and protect by the divine power.
dark come with light in the dark diabolic creature exist the lord create the is creature because lord seek the equilibrium and order of the world the malicious thought and acts will be punish by this to keep the world away from 网页链接 was the second day.

IP属地:英国来自Android客户端1楼2023-10-22 02:47回复