4. Image Evaluation(SubframeSelector - Weight + Approve/Reject Lights)

SubframeSelector > Add Files, 把上一步骤calibrated and cosmetically corrected light frames添加进来。
双击列表中第一个,然后File>Fits Header, 在FITSHeader对话框里找到FOCALLEN、XPIXSZ,再根据图中公示取得Subframe scale。EGAIN数值添进Camera gain对应文本框里。Scale unit选Arcseconds(arcsec), Data unit选Electrons(e-)。
Apply Global!

输入如下Weighting Expression执行后,每个sub就会被赋予相应的Weighting值了。

Weighting Expression: (20*(1-(FWHM-FWHMMin)/(FWHMMax-FWHMMin))) + (20*(1-(Eccentricity-EccentricityMin)/(EccentricityMax-EccentricityMin))) + (20*(PSFFlux-PSFFluxMin)/(PSFFluxMax-PSFFluxMin))+40
● FWHM: Star size measurement. How focused are the stars in an image? 值越小越好。
● Eccentricity: Helps us determine the shape of our stars; the more circular the better. How good was guiding/tracking during an image? 值越小越圆。
● Stars: How many stars are in an image? Helps determine the transparency of the sky in a image,值越大越好。
● PSF Flux: Point Spead Fuction Flux. PSF Flux characterizes the profile of a star; quality of brightness from star. Helps us determine quality of sky/transparency. 值越高越好,作者相对于Stars,更偏爱PSF Flux。

先选择FWHM和Weight来看一下,中间那条横线是median,也就是中间值。深灰部分是1 standard deviation away from median, 到了浅灰部分就是2 standard deviation points away from median。FWHM是越小越好,median下面的不用管,往上看,看看有没有FWHM值超过2 standard deviation away from median的,没有!也就是FWHM角度上暂时没有需要排除的sub.

这回选择PSF Flux, PSF Flux是值越大越好,median上面不用,往下看,发现两个超过2 standard deviation的。点击排除这两个!

接下来是把Approved Subframes输出的指定目录下。

Routine选择Output Subframes;Output Files下指定一个输出目录, Keyword保留默认的SSWEIGHT,这个关键字在以后叠加亮场时会派上用场。