Aoi: But my elder sister was married by the time I
started middle school and
I don’t have many memories of her coming to visit. But when I meet her
friends, they will still call me “the one wearing yellow kindergarten
葵: 我的姐姐在我刚上中学的时候就结婚了,我没有很多她来访的情形的记忆。但当我遇到她的朋友,她们仍然会叫我”那个穿著黄色幼稚园服的”。
I don’t have many memories of her coming to visit. But when I meet her
friends, they will still call me “the one wearing yellow kindergarten
葵: 我的姐姐在我刚上中学的时候就结婚了,我没有很多她来访的情形的记忆。但当我遇到她的朋友,她们仍然会叫我”那个穿著黄色幼稚园服的”。