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【浪漫世界】dead by daylight



IP属地:广东来自Android客户端1楼2023-01-22 13:20回复
    英文原文:the entity

    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端2楼2023-01-22 13:21

      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端4楼2023-01-22 13:22
        This thing, that I dubbed The Entity, is evil in its purest form. I find it hard to spot, but I can hear the cracking sound this loathsome thing emanates. Like a deity, it surrounds the area, closing in on me as its Killers hunt me. It does not seem to be dangerous in itself. Not until you are caught and the Killer hangs you from one of the abhorrent Hooks. I have ended up there over and over and every time I yearn for both release as well as escape. Pain melts with fear in a most horrid way. Yet I return to it, more or less every night. Once on the Hook, Entity takes over, pulling one upwards to something else.
        ~ Benedict Baker's Journal, November 1896

        IP属地:广东来自Android客户端7楼2023-01-22 13:32

          IP属地:广东来自Android客户端8楼2023-01-22 13:32
            The Entityis an almighty malevolent being, travelling through the cosmos and slowly consuming worlds.
            It creates the nightmarishRealmsof the Trial Grounds to trap its victims,Survivors andKillers in an endless cycle of Trials, with the intent of feeding on its victims' strongest emotions, allowing it to grow in power and slowly consume another world. The Observer describes it as one of the"Original Ones", also known as an"Ancient".

            IP属地:广东来自Android客户端9楼2023-01-22 13:36
              恶灵(The entity)被描述为一种全能,法力无边的存在,在宇宙中游走并慢慢吞噬着世界,它更像是一位邪神般的东西。祂创造了幻境,一个如同噩梦一般的试验场,杀手和逃生者们在无休止得审判循环中无法自拔,目的是为了吸收逃生者们的各种强烈的情绪,这会让恶灵的力量更加强大,同时慢慢地吞噬这个世界。
              “观察者”将其描述为“original ones”( 初始者,有克系神话内味儿了)或是“ancient”(远古者)。

              IP属地:广东来自Android客户端10楼2023-01-22 13:42
                观察者,前几个版本里,游戏内古书任务界面会有一个不露脸的神秘人,他自称是观察者(The Observer),别称“囚犯(The Prisoner)”或“档案管理员(The Archivist)

                IP属地:广东来自Android客户端11楼2023-01-22 13:51

                  IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端12楼2023-01-22 13:58
                    Arcus 08
                    Fate. What is fate, but a series of moments and choices that define our lives? Roses we want to remember? And thorns we can never forget?
                    Futile as the thought experiment is, I sometimes wonder where I would be had I made different choices. I sometimes wonder, if I had not been interested in Celestials, would I have even noticed The Entity?
                    Had I not witnessed the destruction of an entire world, would I have wanted to know more? Had I not gone against The council, would I have been banished within the very thing I'd tried to destroy?
                    There is a moment in all of our lives, when our choices catch up to us. A moment that changes us forever. A moment... of reckoning!

                    IP属地:广东来自Android客户端13楼2023-01-22 14:00

                      IP属地:广东来自Android客户端14楼2023-01-22 14:04
                        出自arcus 07
                        There are things of the Abyss that are left unexplored and undiscovered. Things beyond our understanding. For to see or hear or try to comprehend them is to lose one's grip on reality and plunge into a fathomless pit of madness.
                        Of The Entity I know little, if anything at all. What I have witnessed and concluded through my imprisonment within its timeless living boundaries, is The Entity seems to move through the cosmos like a primordial Titan. An incomprehensible Serpent of Chaos, consuming people and worlds for reasons I cannot even begin to comprehend... and won't even try.
                        Searching for a way to escape this endless horror has been my sole preoccupation. To this end, I study memories from The Fog. Memories from Survivors who have escaped or who will escape this timeless dimension.
                        Snatched from worlds not unlike my own, these Survivors are forced to suffer endless agonies, that seem to nourish The Entity with some indescribable psychic sustenance. Some embrace the endless Trials as they search for a way to escape. Others don't realise they are caught in an endless cycle and live the horror anew every time they are resurrected: Activating Generators, repowering the Gate, running for their lives, only to do it all over again!
                        Some Survivors lose their ability to feel anything. These Survivors are flushed into The Void.

                        IP属地:广东来自Android客户端15楼2023-01-22 14:11

                          IP属地:广东来自Android客户端16楼2023-01-22 14:14

                            IP属地:广东来自Android客户端17楼2023-01-22 14:15
                              The Entity is the cosmic embodiment of evil. Back home we witnessed how its very presence turns worlds inside out… how it seems to remove or extinguish any sense of empathy or compassion within communities… how it brings people to the brink of madness and… well… pushes them in. Now I understand it does all this in order to rip victims from their lives and have them play out an endless trial of terror that it presumably needs for its own survival. And there, perhaps, lies the key to its destruction… if an Ancient can be destroyed at all.
                              End the trials. Destroy its ability to sap dark nectar from victims like a cruel parasite feeding from a flower. At least the Archives affords me a better understanding of the Entity… why it moves from universe to universe, picking victims off and devouring worlds as though at a cosmic buffet. What I have yet to conclude is whether it is attracted to worlds that are brimming with darkness and madness or if it is in fact the catalyst of such darkness and madness.

                              IP属地:广东来自Android客户端18楼2023-01-22 14:23