Flinn attended a performing arts high school program, similar to that portrayed in her book, Diva, then majored in vocal performance in college. Panicked upon realizing that there weren't a whole lot of jobs for opera singers, Flinn went to law school. Alex在高中参加了艺术表演社团然后在大学主修了声音表演。在察觉到没有很多的工作机会以后,Alex转到了法律学校。 Law school was, it turns out a really good place to learn to write for teenagers. Writing for teens and writing for judges are very similar because both judges and teens have a lot of demands on their time and minimal time for reading. Also, Flinn interned at the Miami-Dade State Attorney's Office, trying many domestic violence cases, which were later the inspiration for her first novel, Breathing Underwater. 法律学校对于青少年写作来说 确实是一个好地方。在Attorney's Office工作后,Alex接了很多暴力的案件,这给了她很多写作灵感,于是就有了第一部小说《Breathing Underwater》。
Breathing Underwater was published in 2001. It received many honors, including being chosen a Top 10 Best Book for Young Adults by the American Library Association. It was followed by Breaking Point, Nothing to Lose, Fade to Black, Diva, and Beastly. Beastly is soon to be released as a motion picture. Her newest book is A Kiss in Time, a modern Sleeping Beauty. 《Breathing Underwater》在2001年出版。这部小说得到了很多荣誉,包括美国图书协会选出的青少年10本最佳读物。她接着又出版了《Breaking Point》,《 Nothing to Lose》, 《Fade to Black》,《 Diva 》和《 Beastly》。 《beastly》即将被搬上大银幕。她的最新小说《A Kiss in Time》是现代版的睡美人。 Flinn still lives in Miami with her husband, two daughters, a dog, cat, and African Spur-Thighed Tortoise. She enjoys performing arts, biking, and travel. Alex现在和丈夫 两个女儿 一只狗 一只猫还有一个龟住在 Miami。她喜欢表演,骑车和旅游。