Black spot disease, caused by the fungusDiplocarpon rosaeWolf, is one of the most serious diseases of garden roses. Both complete (vertical) resistance conditioned by dominantRdrgenes and partial (horizontal) resistance conditioned by multiple genes have been described. 抗黑斑性状可以分为两类,单基因控制的彻底免疫(垂直抗病),和由多基因控制稍微染病但对所有种类黑斑菌都有效的部分抗病(水平抗病)。
Vertical or complete resistance, which blocks sporulation and severely restricts the mycelial growth of the pathogen, is usually controlled by major dominant genes (RdrorRosadisease resistance genes) . In rose, the dominant resistance genes are pathogen race-specific, indicating a gene-for-gene interaction pattern.
Partial or horizontal resistance that appears to be non-race-specific has also been identified in roses . This resistance does not prevent infection of the pathogen, but rather delays disease development and results in reduced lesion size, reduced sporulation, and/or delayed infection after inoculation . Compared with complete resistance, partial resistance is generally more durable over the range of pathogenic races. 在蔷薇属中也发现了似乎与黑斑菌种类无关的水平抗性。水平抗性不能免疫黑斑菌感染,但是可以延迟黑斑的发展:减小黑病面积、减少孢子形成延缓扩散。相比彻底免疫,水平抗性可以抵抗更多种类的黑斑菌。
The ideal disease-resistant genotype should have both highly effective and long-lasting resistance to a broad spectrum of pathogenic races , which can be achieved by pyramiding dominant complete resistance genes, obtaining strong partial resistance or by combining both types of resistances. 金钢级的抗黑斑品种应当整合垂直水平两种抗性基因,即使黑斑菌进化也能更长久地抵抗黑斑。