“It took until, really, the end of the shoot for us, I think, to realize that it might mean something more than we’d earlier allowed ourselves to believe. And both knowing that the reality of that was a big thing, something that was going to take a lot of serious consideration.”
The two remained “very, very good friends” from the time the movie wrapped in 2004 until after Pitt and Aniston announced their separation in January 2005, Jolie says.朱莉撒谎谢谢,史密斯夫妇拍摄时间就那么长,10月份就是朱莉说的皮特回去拍摄的日子,安妮斯顿和皮特宣布分居是2005年1月份,朱莉自己说的在片场如何如何和皮特相处如何爱上对方,有大量的时间给他们谈情说爱的是2004年1月份-2004年5月份,2004年10月份皮特重返片场到2005年,这中间按照朱莉所说她和皮特几乎一直黏在一起,时刻相处,带着一个孩子,直到孩子在酒店里对着两个成年男女(此时两个男女趴在酒店地板上)说,那是我爸爸!

Jolie says that the time she spent getting to know Pitt before his split was “not as exciting as what a lot of people would like to believe. We spent a lot of time contemplating and thinking and talking about what we both wanted in life and realized that we wanted very, very similar things.
“And then we just continued to take time. We remained very, very good friends – with this realization – for a long time,” she says. “And then life developed in a way where we could be together, where it felt like something we would do, we shoulddo.”
In fact, it was her son, Madddox, now 5, who helped seal the deal. (Jolie and Pitt are also parents to Zahara, 23 months, and Shiloh, 6 months.) One day, Maddox “just out of the blue called him Dad,” says Jolie. “It was amazing. We were playing with cars on the floor of a hotel room, and we both heard it and didn’t say anything and just looked at each other. So that was probably the most defining moment, when he decided that we would all be a family.”
Jolie also says she’d be willing to meet with Aniston, but “That would be her decision, and I would welcome it.”
Pitt has said he and Jolie would not wed until all couples can legally marry, and Jolie agrees that tying the knot is not a priority. “We both have been married before, so it’s not marriage that’s necessarily kept some people together,” she says. “We are legally bound to our children, not to each other, and I think that’s the most important thing.”
再来回顾一下朱莉和皮特怀种的时间,2005年7月份!两人从史密斯夫妇拍摄到结束,花了1年时间装纯情玩过家家?呵呵。2004年7月份皮特对杂志说自己要搬家到英国,因为安妮斯顿喜欢英国,实际情况是英国是当时朱莉最爱的国度,包括朱莉和皮特离婚之前朱莉执意要跑到英国去,她想要在那里开启她的双Z生涯。2004年10月份皮特已经在英国买下豪宅,说明皮特和朱莉已经商量过了,在英国开启他们的“幸福人生”,把日期延后一下并不高明,别人一算也能算明白,只不过很多人不愿意多想罢了。2005年12月份安妮斯顿答应皮特宣布分居,2005年12月份宣布分居完皮特带朱莉养子看球赛,2005年1月份安妮斯顿皮特在人物发表分居声明,2005年1月份皮特和朱莉继续粘在一起,2005年3月份朱莉皮特飞到肯尼亚度假,假装两人不是婚外恋,2005年3月份安妮斯顿在皮特朱莉飞肯尼亚度假后正式递交离婚协议书。2005年4月份非洲蜜恋照片曝光,朱莉急忙跑回美国躲避舆论,假装自己和皮特没有啥恋情,2005年3月份-2005年6月份皮特朱莉多次被拍多次不承认,还在英国的豪宅度假,孩子 肩负 音符 三个人其乐融融。 2005年7月份皮特朱莉继续出席各种活动,随时随地形影不离。2005年7月中旬左右朱莉怀孕,2005年8月份由于安妮斯顿大气,法院接受安妮斯顿和皮特离婚案,2005年10月份安妮斯顿和皮特离婚明面上生效,2006年1月份朱莉皮特宣布期待他们的第一个孩子。2006年5月份两人第一个孩子出生。2006年6月份法院文件显示安妮斯顿和皮特的婚姻还没有正式结束,两人在法律上依然是夫妻。 2006年12月份朱莉声称不需要皮特和她结婚,两人如果结婚是因为孩子而不是彼此。