2.P: Wuhan Departure, BAW141, one of our engines is vibrating. We think we had a bird strike.
C: BAW141, what is your intention?
P: The engine has sever damage . We will shut the engine down and return.
C: BAW141, descend to 3600m, and contact the tower.
Question: What was the reason for engine shutdown?
答案是Amber pulse
请问谁记得 amber pulse 是啥意思啊 中断了好久 记忆中好像有个amber red blue 各代表什么啊。
C: BAW141, what is your intention?
P: The engine has sever damage . We will shut the engine down and return.
C: BAW141, descend to 3600m, and contact the tower.
Question: What was the reason for engine shutdown?
答案是Amber pulse
请问谁记得 amber pulse 是啥意思啊 中断了好久 记忆中好像有个amber red blue 各代表什么啊。