看了下中文版,貌似是“三丛灌木(The Three Bushes)”的关联诗,除了这三首还有
The Lover’s Song
The Chambermaid’s First Song
The Chambermaid’s Second Song
Yeats had first mentioned the value of masks in 1910 in a simple poem, “The Mask,” where a woman reminds her lover that his interest in her depends on her guise and not on her hidden, inner self. Yeats gave eloquent expression to this idea of the mask in a group of essays, Per Amica Silentia Lunae (1918): “I think all happiness depends on the energy to assume the mask of some other life, on a re-birth as something not one’s self.” This notion can be found in a wide variety of Yeats’s poems.
The Lover’s Song
The Chambermaid’s First Song
The Chambermaid’s Second Song
Yeats had first mentioned the value of masks in 1910 in a simple poem, “The Mask,” where a woman reminds her lover that his interest in her depends on her guise and not on her hidden, inner self. Yeats gave eloquent expression to this idea of the mask in a group of essays, Per Amica Silentia Lunae (1918): “I think all happiness depends on the energy to assume the mask of some other life, on a re-birth as something not one’s self.” This notion can be found in a wide variety of Yeats’s poems.