Manuel also revealed that the real reason why Tiffany didn’t get into the house was because she didn’t pass the psychological evaluation at casting week, not because Tyra didn’t want her. He admitted that off-camera, Tyra told Tiffany that “can you get help?” and the network “paid for her to get counselling and allowed her to come back and audition for Cycle 4”.
J Alexander admits that if that Cycle 3 was aired today, Yaya would have received a “lot of support“ after she was criticised for being overbearing in regards to being proud of being Africa
J Alexander承认,如果Cycle 3在今天播出,雅雅为自己作为非洲人而骄傲这一点会得到很多的支持,但在当时却被那位客座评委视为对血统的故意彰显和一种傲慢(其实这位女评委才是真正的傲慢额

Manuel also revealed that the real reason why Tiffany didn’t get into the house was because she didn’t pass the psychological evaluation at casting week, not because Tyra didn’t want her. He admitted that off-camera, Tyra told Tiffany that “can you get help?” and the network “paid for her to get counselling and allowed her to come back and audition for Cycle 4”.
J Alexander admits that if that Cycle 3 was aired today, Yaya would have received a “lot of support“ after she was criticised for being overbearing in regards to being proud of being Africa
J Alexander承认,如果Cycle 3在今天播出,雅雅为自己作为非洲人而骄傲这一点会得到很多的支持,但在当时却被那位客座评委视为对血统的故意彰显和一种傲慢(其实这位女评委才是真正的傲慢额