叶芝吧 关注:3,219贴子:9,252
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To a Friend whose Work has come to Nothing
Now all the truth is out,
Be secret and take defeat
From any brazen throat,
For how can you compete,
Being honour bred, with one
Who, were it proved he lies,
Were neither shamed in his own
Nor in his neighbours’ eyes?
Bred to a harder thing
Than Triumph, turn away
And like a laughing string
Whereon mad fingers play
Amid a place of stone,
Be secret and exult,
Because of all things known
That is most difficult.
请问这首诗中叶芝想表达什么含义呢?还有Be secret and exult是一种什么样的状态呢?还望各位赐教

IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端1楼2019-04-30 12:45回复
    最近在看《Jonathan Blow的创作哲学》附录视频中,看到了Moriarty在最后引用了叶慈的这首诗

    IP属地:四川来自iPhone客户端2楼2019-04-30 12:48