英文阅读题材很广泛,往往会遇见不懂的字汇, 但其实这就跟中文的文言文一样,即使不能理解到每一个字,但大概还是可以理解的,所以不要被陌生的字汇吓倒。
另外,也要注意答题簿的运用。Part A, Part B1, Part B2均有不同的答题簿,而Part B1 和B2只需二者选其一, 但注意选B1 最高评级只能是4,而选B2 最高评级是5**
DSE 英文题型千变万化,以下只是六类常见的,但不止这些。
题型一: Summary Close 填充题
看完原文后,题目会用另一形式写一次文意,当中要求填回合乎文意的字词。 但注意不是直接填,通常词性(parts of speech)会有改变。
Passage : Switzerland needed to continue to make cheap watches or their watch-making industry would not be able to continue.
Question: Switzerland (1______) on making cheap watches. If the country did not, their watch-making industry would come to an (2_____) Answer: 1. went 2. end
题型二:Pronoun Reference Question 代名词指示题
e.g. In line 15, "that" refers to (1._________)
题型三:Words in context questions 词语理解题
这类题型考词义 没有什麼可说的~~ 也只能看考生对文章的理解。
e.g. (1. _______ )is the treatment of diseases by inserting very fine needles into the body at specific points.
Answer: Acupuncture
题型四:True/False/Not given 判断题
根据文章所提出的信息, 对所给的资料作判断。一般考生较难分办“错false”和“未提及 not given ” “错”是从文章可明确看出陈述和作者的意见/事实相反,而not given 则不能
Smart phones are gaining popularity, despite their cost.
1. Smart phones are getting cheaper. ( Ans: Not Given)
2. Smart phones used to be more popular than they are now. (Ans: False)
题型五: Multiple Choice Questions多项选择题
大部分是主题问题(topic question) 和标题问题(Title question)
题型6: Long Questions 长题目
英文reading 占全科20%。如果是自修生的话,reading 会占了整科的23.5%,不要掉以轻心 !!! 有时间的话,可以做一下过去试题,熟习一下考试。
Fighting !!!
另外,也要注意答题簿的运用。Part A, Part B1, Part B2均有不同的答题簿,而Part B1 和B2只需二者选其一, 但注意选B1 最高评级只能是4,而选B2 最高评级是5**
DSE 英文题型千变万化,以下只是六类常见的,但不止这些。
题型一: Summary Close 填充题
看完原文后,题目会用另一形式写一次文意,当中要求填回合乎文意的字词。 但注意不是直接填,通常词性(parts of speech)会有改变。
Passage : Switzerland needed to continue to make cheap watches or their watch-making industry would not be able to continue.
Question: Switzerland (1______) on making cheap watches. If the country did not, their watch-making industry would come to an (2_____) Answer: 1. went 2. end
题型二:Pronoun Reference Question 代名词指示题
e.g. In line 15, "that" refers to (1._________)
题型三:Words in context questions 词语理解题
这类题型考词义 没有什麼可说的~~ 也只能看考生对文章的理解。
e.g. (1. _______ )is the treatment of diseases by inserting very fine needles into the body at specific points.
Answer: Acupuncture
题型四:True/False/Not given 判断题
根据文章所提出的信息, 对所给的资料作判断。一般考生较难分办“错false”和“未提及 not given ” “错”是从文章可明确看出陈述和作者的意见/事实相反,而not given 则不能
Smart phones are gaining popularity, despite their cost.
1. Smart phones are getting cheaper. ( Ans: Not Given)
2. Smart phones used to be more popular than they are now. (Ans: False)
题型五: Multiple Choice Questions多项选择题
大部分是主题问题(topic question) 和标题问题(Title question)
题型6: Long Questions 长题目
英文reading 占全科20%。如果是自修生的话,reading 会占了整科的23.5%,不要掉以轻心 !!! 有时间的话,可以做一下过去试题,熟习一下考试。
Fighting !!!