来自 Naaman10th:
Attack Squadron 1CP: Pick a Dark Angels Detachment, all Ravenwing units gain the Attack Squadron keyword
Swift Strike 2 CP: Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase after an Attack Squadron unit from your army has fought. That unit can immediately make a move (and Advance) as if it were the Movement Phase. If there are any enemy units within 1" it can Fall Back instead.
Signal the Attack 1CP: Use this Stratagem after an Attack Squadron unit from your army has attacked an enemy unit in the Shooting phase and the attack resulted in the enemy unit losing one or more wounds. Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by other Attack Squadron units from your army that target the same enemy unit in this phase.
Warlord Trait:
Lighting-fast Reactions: You can always choose your Warlord to fight first in the Fight phase, even if they didn't charge. If the enemy has units that have charged, or that have similar abilities, then alternate choosing units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place.
Monster Slayer of Caliban
Powersword Replacement +2S -3AP D3 Damage
Add 1 to wound rolls for attack that target enemy monster or enemy vehicle units
攻击分队 1CP:选择一个DA分队,所有的鸦翼单位获得攻击分队关键词。
迅捷打击 2CP:在近战阶段一个攻击分队单位完成战斗以后使用。这个单位可以立即移动(并且加速)如同在移动阶段一样。如果1寸内有敌人单位,该单位可以选择撤退。
攻击信号 1CP:在一个你军队中的攻击分队单位于射击阶段使一个敌人单位损失1或者多点W后使用。所有其他攻击分队单位在此阶段对该敌人单位的命中骰子加1。
替换动力剑 +2S -3AP D3伤
Attack Squadron 1CP: Pick a Dark Angels Detachment, all Ravenwing units gain the Attack Squadron keyword
Swift Strike 2 CP: Use this Stratagem in the Fight phase after an Attack Squadron unit from your army has fought. That unit can immediately make a move (and Advance) as if it were the Movement Phase. If there are any enemy units within 1" it can Fall Back instead.
Signal the Attack 1CP: Use this Stratagem after an Attack Squadron unit from your army has attacked an enemy unit in the Shooting phase and the attack resulted in the enemy unit losing one or more wounds. Add 1 to hit rolls for attacks made by other Attack Squadron units from your army that target the same enemy unit in this phase.
Warlord Trait:
Lighting-fast Reactions: You can always choose your Warlord to fight first in the Fight phase, even if they didn't charge. If the enemy has units that have charged, or that have similar abilities, then alternate choosing units to fight with, starting with the player whose turn is taking place.
Monster Slayer of Caliban
Powersword Replacement +2S -3AP D3 Damage
Add 1 to wound rolls for attack that target enemy monster or enemy vehicle units
攻击分队 1CP:选择一个DA分队,所有的鸦翼单位获得攻击分队关键词。
迅捷打击 2CP:在近战阶段一个攻击分队单位完成战斗以后使用。这个单位可以立即移动(并且加速)如同在移动阶段一样。如果1寸内有敌人单位,该单位可以选择撤退。
攻击信号 1CP:在一个你军队中的攻击分队单位于射击阶段使一个敌人单位损失1或者多点W后使用。所有其他攻击分队单位在此阶段对该敌人单位的命中骰子加1。
替换动力剑 +2S -3AP D3伤