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The Coming Hurricane


A bird loves a tree.
A bird built a nest on the tree, foraging food. If nothing happens, probably the bird will find a mate and produce, and die and become the food of that tree on which it lived its whole life.
It’s not because the tree is big or tall; it’s not because the tree saved the bird once; it’s not surely the tree could offer the bird some food, unless you tell me about the bugs on the tree.
Even if I, once upon a time, asked that bird, the answer was “Well, I have no ideas why I chose that tree. But…don’t you think those leaves are beautiful?”
This time it’s my turn to have no idea about anything, I could see the whole forest, in which thousands of trees existed. Apart from this forest, some other forests, which were more appreciative and were surrounded by lakes or rivers, existed in other parts of the world. The trees were countless and so were the leaves. I believed and did see a lot of trees and leaves that were better than this one.
That bird also knew that. Even so that bird kept continuing “This is the best one”, confirmed light flashed within the eyes of that bird, “for me.” The bird added.
That bird, until now, has been living here for years. The environment and the weather are so acceptable for the whole year that the bird is no need to migrate. I sometimes saw the bird “travel”, and that bird always came back within a couple of days. “The outer world was amazing,” told me that bird “Here is the best, though.”, which is always added in the end when talking about living place.
we both agree that it’s brilliant to live in harmony for the rest of the life. This year, however, the news that a terrible hurricane will attack the forest spread among the forest. That bird also seems to be nervous.
“I’m afraid.” said the bird with a never heard nervous voice “What on earth will happen? Yes, I can fly to any forest I like. I do not want to leave…I am used to this tree, and I don’t want to change my home so easily like this…is what I said but…that is the hurricane” I listened to the bird’s word calmly and patiently.
I have seen many disasters in my eyes. Earthquake, flooding, fire, and hurricane. And just because of this, I believed this time that bird must change to living in other places and accept it in the end once the tree that bird always live on is destroyed, things like which happened thousand times without a single exception.
“The tree, with its leaves, is totally safe during the hurricane… to believe this I’d rather believe I could live by eating clouds.” Saying so that bird really tried to peck the wind.
In the next days, the bird always circles over the forest, especially the tree, the wings flap tiredly and weakly, probably they cannot even cut a piece of paper, looking at which I determined to stop observing.
“Have you decided what to do after that?” asked me suddenly “forgive my rudeness, but I think it’s time to choose. It’s useless to be like this anymore”
The bird, who stayed on the tree, jumped. Obviously, the bird didn’t expect my question. “I have an answer, but I’m not sure if it’s the best one. I need more time, to think”
“Well, you have thirty seconds to preview the gap-filling task” joked I.
The bird laughs, “Will I be given one minute to check my work once more about the whole written passage on Answer Sheet One?”
We both laugh out loudly. The wings flaps more dynamically.
One day after, when I pass through the forest, I hear the always voice “and in this situation, what I should do is…”. It’s seems that the bird has the answer, thinking about which my heart beats faster cheerfully. However, thinking about the bird possible leaving, my heart felt down suddenly. I will become alone again. The bird cannot speak to me and joke me every day. My food brought from far away will not feed the bird. Apart from these more things happened between us, for instance, singing or different view of sightseeing, would become just “memory”.
To make sure that will never happen, I decide to ask the bird where to go.
But the bird is not here, not on the tree or over the forest. Where is that bird? I became anxious. What I have lost is too much, and I don’t want to make it longer.
What should I do then? Should I stay in my house until the bird come back or go out to find the bird? First of all, will the bird come back? Finally, I choose a way between those 2 choices. I cut a leaf into the shape of symbol which means “wait for me” in the game we played. I go out of the forest with a bag inside which contains 2-day food and water. After searching surroundings of the forest, checking mountains, rivers and villages, I came back to the house without anything. I’m so tired that I fall into sleep without removing my clothes. The next day I go to the forest.
That bird is waiting for me as the leaf said.
“Where were you?” I asked. The stone in the heart finally fell to the ground.
“Another forest” answered the bird, “I still don’t want to, but probably have to move. So, at least let me find a comfortable tree.”
“Yeah, you’re correct. But you scared me. I thought you have…gone” said I, “tell me where you would go in case?”
“The forest located on the north of the third village from here, surrounded by rivers. If you want to see I will lead you tomorrow.”
“Yes!” I almost shout out excitedly. “oh, I’m sorry for that. I mean, loud voice.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Then, see you tomorrow.” I said, “wish a colorful night just like sakura for you.”
“I will wait for you, and you also have a good night just like…well, you know.”
I came back to my house, not fearing about the feature any more. Whatever happens after the hurricane, everything shall be alright because…
A bird loves a tree. I love a bird. That’s it.

IP属地:河北1楼2018-05-25 23:45回复

    来自Android客户端2楼2018-06-09 22:17

      IP属地:辽宁来自Android客户端3楼2018-06-13 12:29