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官方更新包说明 (加了亚服)


We are happy to introduce the first content patch for Hunt: Showdown. Please note, this is a smaller content patch than that mentioned in our roadmap, so it has been designated Patch 0.5. Keep an eye out for updates relating to Patch 1.0 in the near future.
Version: v0.154
SteambuildID: 2583922
Client patch size:310MB
Patch Highlights
New server region:
With this update we are adding a new server region. Now, you will be able to select ‘Asia’ as your region on the contracts screen. As we progress through Early Access further regions will be added to accommodate as many players as possible.
2-Target mission selection:
You will now be able to select the option of 2-Target missions on the mission selection page. Here are some things you need to know:
Each boss will have its own region on the map. This will be visibly marked with a line through the map designating each are to a specific boss
Bosses with a small region are easier to find, but yield less bounty
2-Target missions will yield more bounty, but each individual target is worth less overall than in the single target missions
Hunters will now have the chance to ‘Run the Gauntlet’. This is achieved by successfully extracting with both bounty tokens from both targets, as a team (extracting with all 4 bounty tokens, 2 each
Random mission selection:
We are also introducing the random mission selection. Here is what you need to know:
Random missions are exactly that, completely random. For these, you will need to be more flexible with your gear/equipment before selecting the missions. All mission parameters are random
The details of each mission will only be revealed once matchmaking is complete meaning you will not be able to leave the mission without losing your hunter
Random missions will yield a higher bounty reward allowing you to earn +25 per extracted bounty token
Spawn point selection:
This was a feature we tested during the alpha but needed some tweaking before introducing it into Early Access. Extra details:
You will be given a choice of two spawn points that will be assigned to your team
You and your partner can spawn in different locations (this is really important to remember) but by default you will spawn at the same location
This is intended to give you more control over where you start, specifically for 2-Target missions, which will allow teams to spawn closer to the target they want to focus on
General Updates:
Added details for the XP received when retiring a hunter
Retiring a hunter at level 25 will now grant 2500XP to your bloodline. This scales up to 5000XP when retiring a hunter at level 50
XP gates on the bloodline have now been lowered:
Hunters will now also give less XP to the bloodline. This is to compensate for the higher XP gains that go directly to the bloodline when retiring a hunter, or continuing to play with a level 50 hunter
Bounty rewards
Rebalanced some of the guaranteed bounty rewards
Lowered the bounty reward for locating the targets lair from 50 to 25
Added a bounty reward for killing the target: 50 bounty
With this change, we want to encourage players to commit more to fighting the boss instead of entering the lair, and then preparing an ambush around the area. This is one of many steps we will be taking to ensure that the engaging the boss is more rewarding than holding back and waiting.
User interface
Visual update applied to the main menu background graphics to increase performance and improve framing for individual screens
Visual changes made to the extraction timer (positioning, icons, etc.)
Increased Vetterli damage from 90 to 100
Increased the price of the Caldwell Conversion Uppercut to $175
Tweaked the damage falloff and distance markers for all bullet types:
Compact ammo: Increased damage multiplier for ‘long range’ falloff and increased the ‘short range’ marker before decreasing damage
Medium Ammo: Increased damage multiplier for ‘long range’ falloff and increased ‘mid range’ marker before decreasing ammo
Long ammo: Increased short and mid range marker before decreasing damage
Rebalanced the dusters, brawlers and fists:
Damage for each of these has been slightly reduced but we have optimized the stamina consumption to allow for more successive strikes before running out
These weapons are now better when encountering groups of enemies, while the knife with be better when taking out single targets quickly
Bug Fixes:
Audio fixes
Fixed a bug that was causing footsteps while crouching to be louder than expected
Fixed an issue that was causing a carryover of the Spider audio (the audio between indoors and outdoors should now be noticeably different)
Crash fixes
Fixed a bug that could cause the game to crash on start up
Fixed a potential crash that could occur when finding a match
Fix a crash that could be caused by connecting or disconnecting a game pad
Fixed a bug that could result in a server crashing relating to the AI systems in game
Major fixes
Fixed an exploit that resulted in the ability to skip the time to bandage of the first aid kit
Fixed a bug that would cause your weapon to show the visuals of firing but no damage was being dealt. This would occur if it was used right after throwing an item
Fixed a bug that would result in your hunter dying while using an elevator
Fixed a bug that would cause your hunter to desync/become displaced from the server when closing certain doors. The client will now correctly register your position in these instances
Minor fixes
Fixed an issue with the proxies of the horses at the extraction points that prevented you from shooting other players that appeared to be exposed
Fixed a bug that would cause the lobby chat to display the chat from other teams
Fixed a bug that was causing the summary screen to continue to visually update even after reaching max level
Fixed an issue that would cause the map to display when typing in the text chat. Now, pressing the ‘map’ key will no longer result in the map being displayed
Fixed a bug that would cause the “waiting for players” banner to persist for the duration of the match
Developer Note:
We wanted to give you a short update on our progress at the moment. Over the last week, the team has been hard at work trying to resolve our technical difficulties, improving the game play experience and pushing to deliver our planned future content. We know that there are still a number of unresolved issues that are causing some frustration so we want to assure you that we are doing what we can to resolve these as quickly as possible.
Over the coming weeks, we will providing you with further updates on our progress, including updating our roadmap (https://www.huntshowdown.com/roadmap) so that we can keep you better informed.
We want to thank you all again for your continued support and patience as we continue to move further into the development of Hunt.
~The Hunt team
更新内容大概如下:加了亚服,加入了一个双BOSS猎杀模式,随机模式(字面意思,但是奖励比你自选模式要多25),Spawn point selection(这个我不知道啥意思),对于RANK Bloodline和骨灰奖励有了一定的调整,用户界面优化,武器调整,BUG修复。

IP属地:安徽1楼2018-03-08 22:07回复
    查了一下Spawn point selection是选择出生点的意思。

    IP属地:安徽2楼2018-03-08 22:11

      IP属地:吉林来自Android客户端6楼2018-03-08 22:21

        IP属地:安徽7楼2018-03-08 22:45