People like Sisto Hernandez walk the middle ground. Hernandezis a member of the White Mountain Apache Tribe in Arizona – an official partnerin the recovery effort – and is the tribe's range management specialist. Muchof the tribe's economy depends on ranching. He chairs the MexicanWolf/Livestock Coexistence Council, a public-private effort involvingranchers, conservationists, tribes and counties that helps ranchers livealongside wolves. "People don't have to love the wolf," saysHernandez. "They just have to feel they can live with it."
Members of the council have differing views on the wolf, butthey've committed to work together on three goals: healthy western landscapes,self-sustaining wolf populations and viable ranching. "We do a lot betterwhen we help each other," says Hernandez.
“People don't have to love the wolf. They just have to feel they canlive with it.”

The Mexican wolf (Canis lupis baileyi) isthe smallest and southernmost subspecies of gray wolf in North America. Image:George Andrejko/Arizona Game and Fish Department
墨西哥狼(学名:Canis lupisbaileyi)是北美洲分布的灰狼亚种中最小的,也是生活在最南端的。供图:乔治·安德烈杰科,亚利桑那州渔猎局
With the help of federal funds, the council goes beyondtraditional programmes that compensate ranchers for the loss of livestock towolves. It pays ranchers within wolf territory even if they don't lose any animals, and itencourages management actions that reduce livestock-wolf conflict. Thatincludes increasing human presence through their range-riders programme.
"[Range riders] isn't just cowboy work," Hernandeztold me. "It's about knowing where the wolves like to be, their dens,trails, roads they are likely to use. Range riders have to know what toanticipate to help ranchers make management decisions that lessen thelikelihood of conflict. It's not an easy job. It takes the right person to doit."
Each year, the council also pays ranchers in wolfterritory based on how many conflict-avoidance measures a rancher enactsand – perhaps most importantly – the number of wolf pups that surviveon the ranch. Although many consider the initiative a success, noteveryone has bought into it. The council keeps the names of ranchers who applyfor assistance anonymous in order to avoid reprisals from what Hernandez calls"extremists" on both sides. "There are people who can makethings difficult and we don't want to discourage [rancher] participationbecause [they fear] people might cut their fences, make threatening phonecalls, or do worse things to sabotage their ranch."
That's the world Sonora wandered into last spring.