today i keep listening to this guo jing's song... hmmmz... post it in my blog le... seems quite nice leh... but can't listen to it le.. cos sent my ipod in for servicing... something spoilt.. haha..sianz.... past week have being a madness week.. i did a 38 hrs never sleep to rush out my fyp report.. which i think its quite not gd la.. but hand in the draft le.. now i have cyber security report... biobiz project, air pollution project up.. and 3 weeks time is exams! 10 subjects!! omg.. haha.. last lap last lap.. do everything nice nice den grad le.. hmmz... missing studies time in starbuck.. i think tts where i am most productive ba... thinking... thinking........ who shall pei wo go mug at coffee place ne? ................. nvm... everyone enjoy the song ba! nice! "bu yao er yu"!