Join the developers testing new game features on the Beta Branch of DOI. To download the beta, right click Day of Infamy in your Steam library, go to "Properties", "Betas" tab, and select "beta - " from the drop down menu. Then click "Close" (no password needed) and your game will update to the beta version. Launch the game and select Multiplayer from the main menu, and on the following screen click Browse Servers to see our servers.
Or from the MAIN MENU select SETTING - GAME - and enable the LEGACY SERVER BROWSER. Then back out to the MAIN MENU and select SERVER BROWSER to find the Beta server
Today we are testing:
- Redesigned radio room on rooftop
- Moved Flakscheinwerfer into non-accessible area
To be able to place plantable ammo packs on the ground make sure you have assigned a key for ‘Quick Select’ in the ‘Miscellaneous’ part of the keybindings menu.
Then press and hold your key to plant them, and press F to pick them up
Or from the MAIN MENU select SETTING - GAME - and enable the LEGACY SERVER BROWSER. Then back out to the MAIN MENU and select SERVER BROWSER to find the Beta server
Today we are testing:
- Redesigned radio room on rooftop
- Moved Flakscheinwerfer into non-accessible area
To be able to place plantable ammo packs on the ground make sure you have assigned a key for ‘Quick Select’ in the ‘Miscellaneous’ part of the keybindings menu.
Then press and hold your key to plant them, and press F to pick them up