关于吧里争的正盗版,国际舆论和艺术/艺术家分离有感。 本楼100%太监,100%缓慢码字。 It is an unlikely alliance of assorted failures Various degrees of deceit, doomsday prophets The clenched teeth, the vinegar down the veins A stylish pit right next to Judas, Brutus and Cassius
二楼留空备用。 Now come ye children, one and all, let's heed Ezekiel's call And bide until the word is good and right then get plucked clean out of sight The world will be erased, our kin will be immaculate ejaculate in space Before the king of king's love, he'll snatch us from above, brothers, help me sing it
在吧里看到这三帖 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5419126552 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5419617495 https://tieba.baidu.com/p/5421233009 的这三张图 和对应楼里的回复稍微有点感触。 Now come ye children, one and all, let's heed Ezekiel's call And bide until the word is good and right then get plucked clean out of sight The world will be erased, our kin will be immaculate ejaculate in space Before the king of king's love, he'll snatch us from above, brothers, help me sing it
【声明:本楼之后会用正常语气说话然后会有在下对历史和政治的看法。“论XX”帖子本来就会有主观看法,所以请诸君别抱怨“虫洞b你一点也不客观”这些的。如果不喜欢看这种帖子可以速速小红叉。】 19世纪末20世纪初我国除了一个很厉害的活动,叫“义和团”。 义和团这群家伙好厉害的啊!反对外国当时对我国的影响和不平等条约,试图让中国能够和外国势均力敌。 不过义和团这个组织的活动很有趣。 “扶清灭洋”是他们的口号。义和团的主要行动方针是试图破除一切西方影响。破除这个影响的方式从用正常的演讲到烧杀都有。 在下觉得到这里大家能够看出来在下想说什么了。 义和团这个组织“扶清”的方式不是让清朝更加强大,而是试图弱化外国。 义和团想看到正义得到伸张;那么还有什么比击败邪恶更正义的事呢? 上面那句话比较中二,但是在下觉得拿“除掉xx来强化xx”的这路思维挺配变成这样一个思路的。 义和团在反对使用外国货物,反对基督教的同时并没有着重去强化中国产品和发扬中国传统信仰。 同理……在下觉得当今很多人也是这种思想。不仅仅是说正盗版这门滑稽的破事。 Cursing at the piper as he lured your kids away And led them to the river for what was their final day No need for convincing on his pipe he played a song to fool them all Fooled them all