In the beginning, Flinch was just a School Band, performing in events organized by their school, before undergoing big changes, which saw the band emerge as an energetic, melodic Finnish language band, who released their new album "Irrallaan" on April 9th 2008. "Irrallaan", which translates roughly into English as "Loose", is the band's second album, and it was produced by Ville's elder brother Jonne, who is best known for his role as the front man of Negative. The band's first album, "Kuvastin" ('Mirror') was released in 2006, where it reached number 17 in the official Finnish Music Chart. The two singles from the album- 'Tuulet' (Winds) and 'Liikaa' (Too much), reached number 2 and 3 respectively in the singles chart. During spring 2007, the band's lineup changed completely, and only Ville, the vocalist, and co-founder, remained. Juuso, Olli, Tuukka and Mice were replaced by Oskari, Haiwe, Tommi and Jaakko. Ville explains this transition happened because "The situation with the original band reached a point where splitting up was the only option, because the other band members wanted to do different things. Yet, despite the change in the lineup, many of the fans have remained faithful, and others have come to our gigs, and have enjoyed it. Overall, the feedback has been really positive." The band's origins go back to 2003, when Ville and his then-schoolmates formed the band. At first the band was widely seen as trying to mimic the success of Ville's elder brother Jonne, simply because they're related. However, unlike Negative, Flinch's music is aimed primarily at a Finnish-speaking audience, although the band also has a number of fans outside of Finland. Highly ambitious, the band had their own motivations and plans for the future, wanting to make music, and attract unbiased people to their gigs to discover Flinch's happy, yet bleak powerful music. Although the future looks bright, a shadow has been cast over the band by some of the band's ex-members, whom plan to sue for the right to the name 'Flinch'. The reason for this is down to the fact that Ville and the new band members continue to perform under this name, even though it was decided upon by Ville and one of the ex-members. This occurred shortly after the band's first single "Taivas Tähtiverhoineen" started playing on the radio, in December 2007. The album's second single will be 1986, and the album itself contains a total of 10 hard rock and roll songs, including both singles.