Shane Filan在2005-2006年的时候录制我们最熟悉的第一版Beautiful In White,当时Westlife在做You Raise Me Up单曲和Face to Face专辑。录音棚是Abbey Road,这是Shane唯一一次在那里录歌。
歌曲的作者Savan Kotecha打电话给Shane,希望他能录这首歌的Demo,Savan认为这首歌很适合Westlife。Shane同意了请求,于是一个人去录了这首歌,但是后来唱片公司认为这首歌虽然不错,但是不太适合Westlife。Shane最后一次听到这首歌是在2006年。
三年前在北京的巡演,歌迷们一直在喊这首歌的名字。Shane很惊奇,因为这首歌本身他只唱过一次,那就是在录音棚录制这首歌的时候。然后歌迷的反应也让非常惊讶,因为唱这首歌的时候大家跟唱的程度就像他唱Flying Without Wings一样。
综上所述:Beautiful In White是Westlife的Demo,被公司否了,并不是Shane写给孩子的。
There are three original songs on there too, one of which being 'Beautiful in White' – we understand this has become a bit of a surprise hit in Asia, how did that come about?
“Yeah, yeah it's a really funny story actually. I recorded this song just as a demo, I actually recorded it at Abbey Road, it's the only song I've ever recorded there. It was years ago, about ten years ago now, around the time we were doing 'You Raise Me Up'. I had producers and songwriter friends phoning me up at the time going 'look, I'm in London, do you want to pop in and do a demo vocal on this, see what you think?' and I'd be like 'yeah sure, whatever'. So anyway I got a call from Savan (Kotecha), this guy based in Sweden, he's an amazing songwriter, he did loads of stuff for Westlife and he's written for loads of artists around the world. So he's in London, he rings me and goes 'will you come in and demo this for me? I've got this song, it's like a wedding song, I think it'd be perfect for you guys'. So I came in on my own and did the demo, it was put forward to the band when we were doing the next album, and the A&R team were like 'yeah, it's a lovely song, but I don't think it's right for the band'. And that was it, the last I heard of it was back in about 2006 or whatever it was.
“Then, three years ago, I'm on tour in China, I was in Beijing. I'll never forget it, I was on stage on the first night of the tour and all the fans kept shouting out the same thing, but I couldn't make it out. In the end I actually stopped the show and I said to a girl 'look, what song are you asking for?' because they kept shouting it all night, and she said 'Beautiful in White'. I was literally like 'wait, how do you even know about that?!' That last time I'd sang that song was once, in a studio like six or seven years ago. So I basically sang the chorus of it, I got the guitarist Ben and said 'look, play along with me here, I'm just going to start singing, find the chords'. So he started playing with me, and the place just erupted, it was like I was singing 'Flying Without Wings' or something. I'm not joking, it was the best reaction of the whole night, and I'm thinking 'what the hell is going on with this?!'”
So how did you figure out what happened?
“Well, later on Liam my tour manager went on Youtube and found this video with the song that had like 20 million views or something, there were fans that had videos made with their wedding dresses on and this song playing, there were all these different versions of it and I was like 'this is mental!' So I started singing it every night, just the chorus, and every time the place would erupt, and eventually I thought 'I'm going to have to record this song properly!' So we've done a new version and put in on the album. It's my biggest hit that I never had!”
歌曲的作者Savan Kotecha打电话给Shane,希望他能录这首歌的Demo,Savan认为这首歌很适合Westlife。Shane同意了请求,于是一个人去录了这首歌,但是后来唱片公司认为这首歌虽然不错,但是不太适合Westlife。Shane最后一次听到这首歌是在2006年。
三年前在北京的巡演,歌迷们一直在喊这首歌的名字。Shane很惊奇,因为这首歌本身他只唱过一次,那就是在录音棚录制这首歌的时候。然后歌迷的反应也让非常惊讶,因为唱这首歌的时候大家跟唱的程度就像他唱Flying Without Wings一样。
综上所述:Beautiful In White是Westlife的Demo,被公司否了,并不是Shane写给孩子的。
There are three original songs on there too, one of which being 'Beautiful in White' – we understand this has become a bit of a surprise hit in Asia, how did that come about?
“Yeah, yeah it's a really funny story actually. I recorded this song just as a demo, I actually recorded it at Abbey Road, it's the only song I've ever recorded there. It was years ago, about ten years ago now, around the time we were doing 'You Raise Me Up'. I had producers and songwriter friends phoning me up at the time going 'look, I'm in London, do you want to pop in and do a demo vocal on this, see what you think?' and I'd be like 'yeah sure, whatever'. So anyway I got a call from Savan (Kotecha), this guy based in Sweden, he's an amazing songwriter, he did loads of stuff for Westlife and he's written for loads of artists around the world. So he's in London, he rings me and goes 'will you come in and demo this for me? I've got this song, it's like a wedding song, I think it'd be perfect for you guys'. So I came in on my own and did the demo, it was put forward to the band when we were doing the next album, and the A&R team were like 'yeah, it's a lovely song, but I don't think it's right for the band'. And that was it, the last I heard of it was back in about 2006 or whatever it was.
“Then, three years ago, I'm on tour in China, I was in Beijing. I'll never forget it, I was on stage on the first night of the tour and all the fans kept shouting out the same thing, but I couldn't make it out. In the end I actually stopped the show and I said to a girl 'look, what song are you asking for?' because they kept shouting it all night, and she said 'Beautiful in White'. I was literally like 'wait, how do you even know about that?!' That last time I'd sang that song was once, in a studio like six or seven years ago. So I basically sang the chorus of it, I got the guitarist Ben and said 'look, play along with me here, I'm just going to start singing, find the chords'. So he started playing with me, and the place just erupted, it was like I was singing 'Flying Without Wings' or something. I'm not joking, it was the best reaction of the whole night, and I'm thinking 'what the hell is going on with this?!'”
So how did you figure out what happened?
“Well, later on Liam my tour manager went on Youtube and found this video with the song that had like 20 million views or something, there were fans that had videos made with their wedding dresses on and this song playing, there were all these different versions of it and I was like 'this is mental!' So I started singing it every night, just the chorus, and every time the place would erupt, and eventually I thought 'I'm going to have to record this song properly!' So we've done a new version and put in on the album. It's my biggest hit that I never had!”