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首先肥雅在升重147之后的比赛中抗击打是非常不错的,特别是对死神表现出来的抗击打可谓变态:被一拳打晃之后再挨一拳又晃可就是不倒下,两拳落空的时间就恢复过来还能击死神。 但是到对上白须的时候,轻易的被白须击倒读秒两次,我心里一直很想不通,之前也有吧友发帖说肥雅在打白须之前就有腿伤,毕竟没有确切的资料证明反而给肥雅招来不少的黑子,我今天翻墙在谷歌找到了当时发布的文章。 里面显示肥雅的腿伤是在距离8月24号最少三周的时间累积造成的。 也正是因为本次的腿伤暂时取消了与Yohan Lidon原定于9月2日的二番战。 以下是复制的原文,还有截图和链接http://muaythaiauthority.blogspot.com/2011/08/breaking-news-yodsanklai-out-of.html:能翻墙的吧友可以点进去好好看一下。 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 还有说肥雅打巴特尔时因腿伤拒绝将重,这个说法纯属扯淡! 官方发布的视频中,能清晰的听到双方称重均为75kg,在此附上视频链接:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzQ3NjE0MDI4.html 希望黑子们要黑肥雅来点儿技术含量的! 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 原文:
Friday, August 26, 2011
Breaking News: Yodsanklai out of September 2nd MPL event due to injury
Muay Thai Authority has confirmed with Muaythai Premier League president Clifton Brown that Yodsanklai will no longer be fighting on the Muaythai Premier League's September 2nd event, "Stars and Stripes." Yodsanklai entered his last fight against Yasuhito Shirasu with a hamstring injury and further aggravated it in the loss to Shirasu.
The injury has slowed Yodsanklai down significantly in training and forced him to withdraw from his fight with Yohan Lidon. Muay Thai Authority has confirmed that the entire bout has been scrapped, but will be re-scheduled for the next event the MPL will hold in California.
Yodsanklai, however, is making the trip to America and will be in attendance on September 2nd as well as for the press conference, currently scheduled for Wednesday, August 31st. Fans will still have a chance to meet Yodsanklai as he will be accessible to them at the event.
Brown provided Muay Thai Authority with official letters from Fairtex and Yodsanklai's doctor. Dated August 24th, the doctor's letter was sent to Brown and the MPL verifying that Yodsnaklai has an "R/O hamstring LP leg and polipteal tendon injury on his left leg and has been advised from causing any physical strain on the injury for a minimum period of 3 weeks." In the letter from Faritex, Yodsanklai's manager states "Yodsanklai will travel to Los Angeles to show his support for the league and to apologize."。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。译文: 星期五,8月26日,2011 最新消息:yodsanklai 因伤退出9月2日MPL的比赛泰拳权威已经与泰拳超级联赛主席Clifton Brown确认Yodsanklai将不再参加泰拳超级联赛在9月2日的赛事“Stars and Stripes.”。Yodsanklai在腿筋受伤下参加最近一场和白须康仁的比赛,并且在这场输给白须的比赛中进一步加剧了腿伤。腿伤已经明显放缓yodsanklai的训练,并且迫使他退出了与Yohan Lidon的比赛。泰拳权威证实,整个比赛已被取消,但将重新安排接下来的活动——将在加利福尼亚举行的MPL。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
Brown从 Fairtex 和Yodsanklai的医生那里提供给泰拳权威的官方信件。8月24日,医生的信件被送到Brown和MPL验证Yodsnaklai有一个“R/O腿筋LP的腿并且polipteal肌腱损伤的左腿被通知由于任何物理拉伤最少3周的时间造成这种伤害。”从faritex信里,Yodsanklai的经理陈述“yodsanklai将前往洛杉矶以表明他对联赛的支持和歉意。”。。。

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