英文诗歌吧 关注:1,158贴子:2,223
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You must have s


You must have seen many movies in which a hero comes, and saves the life of the character in difficulty.Reading plays that role of hero in your life. It saves you unknowingly countless times. It would not be justifying to call it just an art, or an exercise, or a hobby. It's myriads of things condensed into a single term. It's fun , it's magic , it's a surreal zone, where one can easily escape anytime - anywhere. Without any expense of travel , just by opening the book , and delving into the universe of words.
Oh how lovely that moment was! When you innocently repeated the words you read on the first day of school, infront of your parents. Unable to hide their proud grin , they promised to take you to the bookstore to buy books of your choice. Each day was worth it, when arriving home, you announced the newly learnt words to your family. Joy used to be evident from your face , as you received a pat on your back. It was not just the beginning of your learning process , but it was the development of your character , a chain of words encircling your little world to protect it .
Eventhough, you faced difficulty in pronouncing the words correctly , or guessing their meanings . You were encouraged by your teachers and elders to continue reading , despite the obstacles. Reading became a part of you . Your companion in solitude. Remember the time when you waited impatiently for your turn to read in the class , and a wave of relief that crossed your system when you finally got the chance. Reading is an incessant cycle, and if it is ceased it will bring nothing but chaos.
So now that you became familiar with different words, you were allowed to borrow books from the library. Curiosity lead you to the other shelves , which contained books for a grade higher than yours. You surfed through the pages with a gleam in your eyes , that soon you would be able to read those as well.
A day arrived where your interest dragged you to a point , where you were unable to spend your day without reading.While standing in a queue waiting , you hid your face in the morning newspaper.The best way to pass your time, for it's precious . Time consumed for reading is never wasted . Infact, what you read throughout your life is not futile , even if you think so . Every word spelled has its own significance and power ; unconquerable . Before buying the products you went through their ingredients etc . People around you called you nerd , as you spend your free time in reading , while other kids played and gossiped like goofs. You must shove away the point of view of such people cause mediocre minds think shallow. There is no limit to reading , as there is no limit to breathing . At different stages of your life this reading fervour saved you unknowingly . How? By making the parameter of your mind boundless. It widens the narrow or constricted passages , so that sufficient amount of light can enter in your dark chamber . And you can finally breathe , tasting the sweetness of the survival. A ray of light at the end of the cave .
Those who read are able to make quick,witty decisions in life , finding a way out of the labryinthe of their lives. They constantly challenge the twists and turns , inputting their gained knowledge and logic . Moreover, questioning their conscience , they can walk on the right track . All of it is only possible cause of reading-unlimited reading! The non readers remain stuck throughout their lives .,for there is no saviour to show them light of wisdom. They are easily trapped into deception often due to their lack of knowledge .
A person who does not read has no advantage over the person who cannot.
When you are habitual of reading works of multiple authors . It gives you an insight into the emotions of the common people , and what triggers them. A reader is able to relate his life with the lives of other. A sense of compassion is created through this.The more you read , the more you become accustomed to the attributes of human nature , the phenomena of life and history. A person who forgets his past is condemned to relive it. Readers are blessings of any society . They can easily win hearts by the usage of suitable words at the gravest situation. They are never uncomfortable in public , nor they are afraid to debate over the issues . Their minds are an immense resource of knowledge . When society is heading towards immorality , readers by their wit can help to boost the morales of the crestfallen people . Reading is a life concealed within a life itself. To live truly is to read , and to think about what you have read. That's the wonderful aspect of reading . Losing yourself in the moment and finding yourself there too. It takes you around the world in eighty days or less.A book a day , keeps your worries at bay. Society which possesses sincere readers is blessed . The future of such society is evergreen . Generations of generations when adopt this habit , it not only gives them awareness , but it plays a cruc

来自Android客户端1楼2017-06-13 14:46回复

    来自Android客户端2楼2018-08-26 18:32