At first I would know ayabambi, is from the facebool know, but it is not completely fall in love with ayabambi, and later to their own to ayabambi personal instagram, it really crazy love ayabambi, until now has been love ayabambi 3 years Of the time, and let me fall in love, because I am from their personal instagram, see aya & bambi, they cherish each other, care & love, and see them so cherish love each other, even in my life To the frustration of things, but also because ayabambi love each other's atmosphere, infected with me, so I feel happy, so even now ayabambi because of the quarrel, and now the relationship is not good, I did not leave the reason, because I believe that the one that made me fall in love with ayabambi, because of love between them, so love each other's love, I believe that aya & bambi will be good, and continue to love each other, this is what I am now on ayabambi Do not abandon the reason.