Hello,We have removed your access to this account because we could not confirm your payment information. You will not be able to access your account or place orders with us until we confirm your information.To resolve this issue, please send the following to our secure fax line (JP Domestic: 0120-914-004 / International: +81-3-6367-4007):
-- A copy of your recent monthly billing statement for your Amex ending in 04, including the billing address.
-- Your name, phone number, and the email address registered to your Amazon.co.jp account.
We will convert your fax to a secure electronic image. To protect your information, we restrict access to your payment information to a team of account specialists.Our Customer Service team can confirm that we sent this email, but they cannot view your fax or share more information about this issue. You can expect a response from us within 24 hours of sending your fax.We ask that you not open new accounts because any new order that you place may be delayed.
Account SpecialistAmazon.co.jp
Greetings from Amazon.co.jp.
Thank you for contacting us about your Amazon.co.jp order (#) and providing explanation regarding your credit card. A copy of online billing statement is also accepted if you have set up paperless billing.Please send the information below to our secure fax line (JP Domestic: 0120-914-004 / International: +81-3-6367-4007):
-- A copy of your statement for the payment card that you used, including the billing address.
-- The last two digits of the payment card.
-- Your name, phone number, and email address.
We will convert your fax to a secure electronic image.To protect your information, we restrict access to your billing details to a team of account specialists. Our Customer Service team can confirm that we sent this email, but they cannot view your fax or share more information about this issue.You can expect a response from us within 24 hours of sending your fax.
Account SpecialistAmazon.co.jp
刚看了一下,心里舒服一点,online billing statement is also accepted.赶紧登录招行网银,心突然就凉了,我这是新办的卡,一次没用过那里来的账单啊。秉着司马当作活马医的态度,把网银上显示美运卡和持卡人姓名的页面截了屏,下载了三个月的账单,用我的英语水平解释了一下我这新卡没账单可提供的情况。英语不好太痛苦啦,又便秘了半天
Hello,Thank you for contacting us about your Amazon.co.jp order (#) and providing explanation regarding your credit card. If a billing statement cannot be issued due to your credit card being newly created, please provide the following document in its original form as issued by your bank:
-- A copy of the letter you received with the new credit card from your bank.
Or, your billing information may be verified through your credit card issuer. Have your credit card company contact Amazon.co.jp through the same fax number. The fax should contain the name and fax number of a specific representative with whom we can correspond if necessary.Fax us a copy of the document to: JP Domestic: 0120-914-004 / International: +81-3-6367-4007. Include your email address and Order ID on the first page so we can locate your order. Your Amazon.co.jp account and order have been placed on hold. You will not be able to access your order information online. We ask that you not open new accounts because any new order that you place may be delayed. We will process your order as soon as the verification process is complete.
Account SpecialistAmazon.co.jp
看来specialist们看懂了我狗屁不通的英文,新卡也没事,有办法解决。只不过。。。谁家会把寄信用卡的那封信当宝供起来啊!没办法,招行热线再来,问问吧。招行对我的遭遇深表同情,但是他们也不可能在给我发一封寄卡信啊。客服小妹听出来我的失落,提醒我你打亚马逊的客服问一下啊。是啊,为什么找银行啊,找亚马逊才对啊。赶紧亚马逊的热线,亚马逊的小妹停了我的解释大概是更糊涂了,赶紧问了我的日亚帐号,貌似她也能看到给我发的邮件。她也学习了半天给我发的邮件,给我解释了下your billing information may be verified through your credit card issuer.可能是 啥意思,让我问问银行能不能出个证明,证明卡是我的。没办法,再来招行热线,招行客服听了一下,持卡人证明是可以开的。这么简单?心里还没来及高兴,妹子又说,手续费20。唉,行吧。确实也是麻烦人家了。要求办持卡人证明之后就挂了。又晃悠到招行网银,搜索一下持卡人证明,突然发现证明可以开具中英文的。刚才打电话的时候妹子怎么不告诉我有英文的,差评!继续招行热线,这次就不能太着急了,该问的问清。新客服小妹告诉我,中英文证明是两份,要40元,还好我没有继续犯傻,赶紧说只要英文的就可以了。顺便问下什么时候开完发什么快递,小妹说3工作日可以发出,发挂号。得,在快也要下周了,“能不能发其他快递?”“当然不行,要快EMS。”“那就发EMS,没问题。”“运费20元。” 还是要加钱才行。突然想起来,这40块钱从哪里出啊?赶紧要求扣款就从美运卡上扣,别从别的招行卡上扣。省得证明没用,这样至少有一个月的账单了。
Thank you for contacting us about your Amazon.co.jp order (#).If a billing statement cannot be issued due to your credit card being newly created, please provide the following document in its original form as issued by your bank:
-- A copy of the certificate from bank.In addition to your certificate, also provide a copy of two of the following documents in their original form:-- Passport.
-- Resident/Citizen identification card.
-- Utility billing document (such as electric/water bill).
Please send a fax upon receipt of a letter issued by a bank.
Fax us a copy of the documents to: JP Domestic: 0120-914-004 / International: +81-3-6367-4007. Include your registered email and Order ID on the first page so we can locate your order. Your Amazon.co.jp account and order have been placed on hold. You will not be able to access your order information online. We ask that you not open new accounts because any new order that you place may be delayed. We will process your order as soon as the verification process is complete.
Account SpecialistAmazon.co.jp
Hello,We have removed your access to this account because we could not confirm your payment information. You will not be able to access your account or place orders with us until we confirm your information.To resolve this issue, please send the following to our secure fax line (JP Domestic: 0120-914-004 / International: +81-3-6367-4007):
-- A copy of your recent monthly billing statement for your Amex ending in 04, including the billing address.
-- Your name, phone number, and the email address registered to your Amazon.co.jp account.
We will convert your fax to a secure electronic image. To protect your information, we restrict access to your payment information to a team of account specialists.Our Customer Service team can confirm that we sent this email, but they cannot view your fax or share more information about this issue. You can expect a response from us within 24 hours of sending your fax.We ask that you not open new accounts because any new order that you place may be delayed.
Account SpecialistAmazon.co.jp

Greetings from Amazon.co.jp.
Thank you for contacting us about your Amazon.co.jp order (#) and providing explanation regarding your credit card. A copy of online billing statement is also accepted if you have set up paperless billing.Please send the information below to our secure fax line (JP Domestic: 0120-914-004 / International: +81-3-6367-4007):
-- A copy of your statement for the payment card that you used, including the billing address.
-- The last two digits of the payment card.
-- Your name, phone number, and email address.
We will convert your fax to a secure electronic image.To protect your information, we restrict access to your billing details to a team of account specialists. Our Customer Service team can confirm that we sent this email, but they cannot view your fax or share more information about this issue.You can expect a response from us within 24 hours of sending your fax.
Account SpecialistAmazon.co.jp
刚看了一下,心里舒服一点,online billing statement is also accepted.赶紧登录招行网银,心突然就凉了,我这是新办的卡,一次没用过那里来的账单啊。秉着司马当作活马医的态度,把网银上显示美运卡和持卡人姓名的页面截了屏,下载了三个月的账单,用我的英语水平解释了一下我这新卡没账单可提供的情况。英语不好太痛苦啦,又便秘了半天

Hello,Thank you for contacting us about your Amazon.co.jp order (#) and providing explanation regarding your credit card. If a billing statement cannot be issued due to your credit card being newly created, please provide the following document in its original form as issued by your bank:
-- A copy of the letter you received with the new credit card from your bank.
Or, your billing information may be verified through your credit card issuer. Have your credit card company contact Amazon.co.jp through the same fax number. The fax should contain the name and fax number of a specific representative with whom we can correspond if necessary.Fax us a copy of the document to: JP Domestic: 0120-914-004 / International: +81-3-6367-4007. Include your email address and Order ID on the first page so we can locate your order. Your Amazon.co.jp account and order have been placed on hold. You will not be able to access your order information online. We ask that you not open new accounts because any new order that you place may be delayed. We will process your order as soon as the verification process is complete.
Account SpecialistAmazon.co.jp
看来specialist们看懂了我狗屁不通的英文,新卡也没事,有办法解决。只不过。。。谁家会把寄信用卡的那封信当宝供起来啊!没办法,招行热线再来,问问吧。招行对我的遭遇深表同情,但是他们也不可能在给我发一封寄卡信啊。客服小妹听出来我的失落,提醒我你打亚马逊的客服问一下啊。是啊,为什么找银行啊,找亚马逊才对啊。赶紧亚马逊的热线,亚马逊的小妹停了我的解释大概是更糊涂了,赶紧问了我的日亚帐号,貌似她也能看到给我发的邮件。她也学习了半天给我发的邮件,给我解释了下your billing information may be verified through your credit card issuer.可能是 啥意思,让我问问银行能不能出个证明,证明卡是我的。没办法,再来招行热线,招行客服听了一下,持卡人证明是可以开的。这么简单?心里还没来及高兴,妹子又说,手续费20。唉,行吧。确实也是麻烦人家了。要求办持卡人证明之后就挂了。又晃悠到招行网银,搜索一下持卡人证明,突然发现证明可以开具中英文的。刚才打电话的时候妹子怎么不告诉我有英文的,差评!继续招行热线,这次就不能太着急了,该问的问清。新客服小妹告诉我,中英文证明是两份,要40元,还好我没有继续犯傻,赶紧说只要英文的就可以了。顺便问下什么时候开完发什么快递,小妹说3工作日可以发出,发挂号。得,在快也要下周了,“能不能发其他快递?”“当然不行,要快EMS。”“那就发EMS,没问题。”“运费20元。” 还是要加钱才行。突然想起来,这40块钱从哪里出啊?赶紧要求扣款就从美运卡上扣,别从别的招行卡上扣。省得证明没用,这样至少有一个月的账单了。

Thank you for contacting us about your Amazon.co.jp order (#).If a billing statement cannot be issued due to your credit card being newly created, please provide the following document in its original form as issued by your bank:
-- A copy of the certificate from bank.In addition to your certificate, also provide a copy of two of the following documents in their original form:-- Passport.
-- Resident/Citizen identification card.
-- Utility billing document (such as electric/water bill).
Please send a fax upon receipt of a letter issued by a bank.
Fax us a copy of the documents to: JP Domestic: 0120-914-004 / International: +81-3-6367-4007. Include your registered email and Order ID on the first page so we can locate your order. Your Amazon.co.jp account and order have been placed on hold. You will not be able to access your order information online. We ask that you not open new accounts because any new order that you place may be delayed. We will process your order as soon as the verification process is complete.
Account SpecialistAmazon.co.jp