Charity in the Corinthian Context
For several years the Corinthian Lodge of Amoy has sponsored applications from the Sunbeam Children’s Foundation for donations from the Hong Kong Far East Benevolent Fund Corporation under its Non-Masonic Giving programme.
The Sunbeam Foundation's main base is in Bai Wan in Guangdong Province. It was founded to provide assistance to children requiring temporary or long-term housing in order to attend an education facility, and to provide care for orphans and children of special need in China. It is a charitable organisation incorporated in Hong Kong since 1996.
In past years this Masonic support has enabled the foundation to re-roof the buildings, to replace furniture and equipment and, most recently, to replace security gates and the children’s playground , both destroyed by major floods which hit Guangdong Province in 2013.
The Lodge is keen to maintain this relationship with the charity, and hopes that the link to the foundation’s website will lead brethren of the Lodge, and others, to a greater understanding of Sunbeams’ work and aspirations.
You can find out more information about the Sunbeam Foundation's work here.

Ladies from the school who came to accept our donation in 2013